You can throw a Boxer house party! I know, you’re thinking, “Why would I throw a Barbara Boxer house party when there’s a gun right here I can blow my brains out with?” Because you get to be part of an extremely patronizing phone conference with her! Just be careful what you say to her, because she is an elected official, you little peon! Also, no black people at your party because right now they confuse her.
Really, though, if you throw one of these would it be better classified as political activism or sado-masochism?
Not even Kid -n- Play?
Obviously, it would be sado-masochism. Of the worst kind.
Well, that’s one way to test the saying, “Dumb as a box of Boxers”.
Just a couple of questions…
– So who is the blonde in the party promo?
– So how can I host a “Throw Boxer Out of the House” party?
– So how would a phone call from B.B. make a party fun?
I’m just sayin…
Somebody could really use this to punk her good, couldn’t they?
Carly…..please save us.
what would be less painfull? A: throw a Barbara Boxer house party or B: cut your nuts off with a dull rusty knife.
Oooh #5, that could be fun:
* Anonymously having delivered 1,000 pizzas with anchovies and pineapple to the Boxer Bungalow. Put it on ACORN’s tab.
* Phone-crashing the house party with repeated telephone calls (from a pay phone natch) asking for “Prince Albert [Gore] in a Can” or “Is Your Refrigerator Running”
* Throwing a
NaziTEA Party / T.P. Party on Babs’ front lawn — blanket the trees in her front yard with the cheap one-ply dollar store brand TP* Soaping the windows (so hippies can see what it looks like)
* Flaming bag of dog poo on the front porch
I just downloaded the party kit. I sure hope my computer catch a virus doesn’t start patronizing minorities.
Ooh, me no speeky good inglish… That should read: “I sure hope my computer doesn’t catch a virus and start patronizing minorities.”
I’d rather climb up on my roof and just before I jump I’d set my hair on fire, slit both of my wrists and my throat and then shoot myself in the head! After I land head first on the asphalt driveway I will have my wife run over me several times with the car…
The Party Kit suggests playing ‘Barbara Boxer Trivia’ at the party. I think that’s a great idea! I’ll go first:
What planet is Barbara Boxer from?
cjtony, that’s a great idea.
First, make sure it’s all recorded, preferably video with your smirking faces.
Ask her a question about the Constitution, laugh your butt off as she gets it wrong.
Or better yet, she’s pretty darn stupid, so tripping her up wouldn’t be hard. Egg her into saying how she want teh people to just shut up because she knows what’s good for us.
Comedy gold.
I’m torn. I could either throw a “Barbara Boxer House Party” or I could take broken glass and carve random names from the phone book into my chest. I’m just not sure which would be more fun, or productive.
Has The Blonde With The Gun noticed the resemblance of Madam Boxer and a certain former American Idol judge(with 20years aging added) ?
The answer to the original question, of course, is that it’s politi-masochism.
My vote is for just hosting a party where everyone’s supposed to wear boxers. Anyone mentioning politics of any sort gets an atomic wedgie.
Ooh — thanks for the heads up. Now I know it’s time to start sending cash to her opponent. And, remember: all invitations must note that Boxer is to be referred to as “Senator,” and not by some other disrespectful honorific such as “ma’am.” It’s a good thing no parties will be thrown for her in the South — our manners are too nice and we might offend her.
Do you suppose Brigadier General Michael Walsh will be among the first to download a party kit!
We throw a Boxer party every week at my house. Of course, since we’re more inclusive, we also allow Briefs and Thongs!
A Boxer party? Is that an English boxer or an American boxer? It doesn’t matter all female boxers are BITCHES.
To be fair, most sado-masochists have higher self esteem/more self respect than to associate with Babs.