Nancy Pelosi has uncovered that Nazis are behind the protests at health care town hall meeting (tip: Wizbang):
Interviewer: Do you think there’s legitimate grassroot opposition going on here?
Pelosi: “I think they’re Astroturf… You be the judge. “They’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare.”
“Symbols like that?” That means it’s not just the Nazis, but other groups that the Democrats feel are just like Nazis.
“Who?” you ask. I’m glad you asked.
Wal-mart workers
Sports fans
Be a good Democrat. If you see anyone wearing hate symbols like these, report them. They are dangerous.
How brave of Pelosi Galore to notice that a Cross is just an
Un-Twisted Cross. These protesters just don’t know what ‘s good for them and aren’t ready for the Triumph of The Will that health
careinsurance reform will be for theObama Reichpeople of America.In their defense, Yankee fans are just like nazis.
This is a Cross. It can blow your head clean off. Do you feel lucky…..punk?
Pelosi is the biggest Nazi.
I’ve seen many protestors with fish symbols around their necks,definitely fishy, and should be reported by the brownshirt O-bah-muhhtrons
Babs is afraid that we’re onto their playbook from the Third Reich, and we know it by using the swastika when referring to them and the rest of the NSDAP.
They were probably wearing US flag lapel pins, and that just offended her.
Any of you nazis ever heard of the Erie canal? I rest my case.
The pitchforks and torches are definitely a symbol of things to come. Report these fishy mobs to your Precinct Chairperson and the Whitehouse.
The President announced an email address where concerned citizens can report people, web sites, and other means of disseminating information that has “fishy” information about the Obamacare bill so that they can be “dealt with”. I wonder what would happen if we started reporting Mr. Obama, Democrats, and all their propaganda as “fishy” information.
the email address is “”.
Give it a shot!
So a crucifix won’t destroy the Pelosi monster.
Anyone got a Plan B?
11nbc, we’re in big trouble.
She’s spent the last few years working up a tolerance for botulinum.
Maybe iocaine powder?
Well (all macho bullsh*t aside) Im to the point where if anyone calls me a Nazi, Im going to to consider those “fighting words” and defend myself accordingly. Im not going to allow that kinda crap to slide. Pelosi doesnt even have the hutzpuh to have town hall meeting, nor would she call anybody a Nazi to thier faces. She is a dishonorable coward (like all socialists) and I will do the happy dance on the day that she departs this existence.
Diabetics!! They actually allow diabetics into my town hall meetings!? They’re actually allowed to openly display their bracelets with that demonic snake emblem on them!? What kind of country is this? Are we going to allow a hand full of snake worshiping Diabetics to run roughshod over innocent senators and congressmen? Are we going to allow Nazis and other malcontents to ask embarrassing questions of their elected representatives like, ‘have you read the bill,’ or, ‘how much will this cost the taxpayers,’ or, ‘can you guarantee me I can keep my current insurance.’ This situation has gone beyond just being ‘fishy’ and should be reported to the proper authorities immediately….Arlen Specter, still in hiding & wondering just what the hell happened, Somewhere, Pennsylvania.
…yes, yes Nancy. Absolutely. They’re standing over there next to the giant pink bird and the leprechaun. Yes, we see them too. It’s not that you’re crazy. No, they’re really there…holding swastikas. No you’re not delusional at all. Have you ever heard of the Baker Act, Nancy? We’re going to have to play a little game now.
It won’t be long now folks when having an insurance card in your wallet will be proof of treasonous ties to subversive anti-administration organizations. We will have to scribe our member #’s and our group ID #’s somewhere they won’t suspect.
Well, #8 I’ve heard of the Alimentary canal, what’s an Erie canal, a canal that’s scary?
Nah Lily, the helpful government will give us symbols to show who we are.
We can use colored triangles! Like a pink one for self-hating homerseckshuls who don’t love Obama.
and for real bad people, like the Israelis who don’t share his plan for world peace?
Double triangles, maybe in yellow.
Veeshir, yeah maybe we will get tattoos on our forearms. Tattoos are all the rage now and Health Care Registration numbers on our forearms will be just the ticket. Then we don’t have to remember those pesky numbers.
And while they are at it they can give us some of those cool jewel thingys on our palms like they got in Logan’s Run. The ones that glow red when you are too old for health care. That will save a ton on paperwork costs. Do you have a Red Glowy Thingy? No health care for you. If you have a Yellow Glowy Thingy we will put you on teh waiting list until it turns red.
Poor Nancy is confused again. She loves NAZI SS tactics but hates people with SS Numbers who pay taxes.
I hate Nancy… She makes a stupid comment… which… causes IMAO to write a funny post…which is linked to by someone?… I came here… and now am putting IMAO back on my blog reading list… Sigh… So many dissidents and so little time to report them all…
Is my BUCK OFAMA shirt hate speech?
I think my anime keychains are considered hate speech. Not sure though, but a bunch of Pelosi supporters glared at me.
The shout out at political meeting was a common tactic in the political meetings in Germany in the late 20’s . Making sure the opposition could not talk was a useful tool for the SA. Freedom of speech goes both ways, when a person can not state their case their rights are infringed. I am for both sides stating their case at these meeting but when some one has the floor its their’s till they have their say. Is This Wrong?