Random Thoughts

Interestingly, FOX News’s question for Gibbs after Jake Tapper was, “Why are you so fat and ugly?”

So has the Obama administration given an official opinion on the show Red Eye yet?

It would be funny if FOX News responded to the White House by putting Greg Gutfeld and Andy Levy on as regular anchors during the day.

“FOX News: Not news… just awesome.”

I hear they’re going to do a sequel to Enemy of the State with Glenn Beck replacing Will Smith as the lead.

Swine flu is pretty bad, but at least it’s not swine gonorrhea.

If Fred Thompson says you’ll like something I wrote, that means if you read it and don’t like it, you instantly die.


  1. “Random Thoughts”
    Campaign Slogans for the 2012 elections
    *Vote to deport the Kenyan!
    *Since when did Kenya become a state?
    *Vote for a real American not a Kenyan!
    *We’ve got no “hope” and all we’re left with is “change” in our pockets!
    *because failure shouldn’t get a second term

  2. Tarek Mehanna worst Terrorist EVER!!!
    Failed at his jihad because he didn’t get training
    Couldn’t get a hold of automatic weapons, just handguns…and there were three in the group!! Apparently they stay out of the ghetto(s) where these are available…Silly Terrorist!

  3. zzyzx: Only if you are okay with getting *that* close to either JB or R O’D. I for one, am not, so therefore, cannot get swine gonorrhea. Can you imagine the desperation it would take to actually, a) consider ahving sex with either of those harpies, and b) the intestinal fortitude, and complete denial of the natural necessity to vomit, in order to carry out the “transaction”?

    storm1911: Paddle faster, I hear banjos!

  4. Swine Flew? Now that’s news! Someone alert Fox ‘Not-necessarily-the-news’ Network!
    ”America elected it’s first black president? When did that happen?” ” When swine flu!”

  5. Crow #1: Did you ever see a swine fly?
    Crow #2: Well, I’ve seen a horse fly.
    Crow #3: Ah, I’ve seen a dragon fly.
    Crow #4: Hee-hee. I’ve seen a house fly.
    Crow #5: I seen a peanut stand /And heard a rubber band /I’ve seen a needle that winked its eye / But I been done seen ’bout everything / When I see a swine fly…..

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