Here is today’s discussion question: What is and isn’t a real news organization?
The White House has its opinions, but what about you? I don’t think MSNBC is real news, but Olbermann has this to say in his defense:
I also don’t think my dog is real news. She’s always barking like something is happening, but nothing ever is. She’s just a crazy alarmist like Glenn Beck.
I also don’t think plasma is news. Instead it’s a partially ionized gas with free electrons. With a partisan bias.
IMAO is not a real news organization (although other fake news organizations often plagarize IMAO). Neither is Hot Air.
I place my trust in Iowhawk.
Clearly, I am not a reputable news source as I cannot spell “plagiarize” or “Iowahawk”.
My next door neighbor is a Republican. But I think his cat is a communist. He’s Siamese and every time he comes near he just stares at me and says “Mao. Mao. Mao.” I’m beginning to wonder… seriously. –Mike Adams
Real News Organization?
Fake News Organization?
Shut up because I said so!
Since FOX makes a profit and pays taxes and the NYT does not, doesn’t it follow that FOX is more patriotic?
WH example of a real news organization – Pravda
The Obama administrations is not really an executive branch of the government and other people who make real desisions, like you, ought not to treat them that way, and we’re not going to treat them that way.
The “real” news is whatever Rahm Emanuel, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and The One tell us it is, and is not to be questioned. I hope this clears things up.
So the White House is attacking Fox because they have the audacity to air their opinions rather than report news. Isn’t that actually worse? How is that not exactly like Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Bonaparte, Castro, Amin, or any of a dozen little tin pot dic-taters?
Has anyone noticed how weird and freaky most of the hosts and guests on pmsnbc are? Most ot the men, including Mandow, copy Oburman’s hair style and crappy make up, including the black painted on eyebrows. It doesn’t take much to see the gray and black in Oburman’s hair change show to show. There was soe freak on last night, done all up, who would snort every few sentences as he stared , unblinking, into the camera.
Fake plastic people is not news. Just bad anime.
I only trust the newspapers and news channels that they showed me in Room 101. I love Big-Eared Brother.
That clip of Overblown is the most articulate utterance he has ever produced, there could be a daytime Emmy nomination if enough people see it. I never realized he was the original Wookie voice from Star wars.
hmmm, oberdouche sounds like the typical democrat, and twice as smirt as anyone in the white house.
So if Fox News is not a real news organization, what do they call the fiction from the other entertainment networks?
It was a sad day back in 1979 when the new york times ceased being a newspaper and became a tabloid. When you cede credibility and trust to the National Enquirer, its time to print just the comics, recipies and the crossword.
Some might ask how you can tell whether free electrons have partisan bias. Are you kidding? Just check out the spin…
Ba-dum-bum. Thank you, try the veal.
Oberdum doesn’t leave much room for arugment with that statement, however, I am troubled by the plasma news.
You mean it isn’t a blood subsitute? Uh, oh! I may have a problem.
MSNBC is not a real news organization. It’s reports contain very little facts, it’s reporters are criminally biased, and the rest of their programming is paid infomercials for the Demoncratic Party.
Even a pretend journalist like Olderman should be able to see that. Wait I forgot, pot meet kettle, report at 9.
I’m real smart. For the first time in about 13 or 14 tries I did NOT click on the image of Olberdickhead!
After they replaced the angry old guy with an exact replica based on a Dick Clark android chassis, Sixty Morons stopped being even an entertaining made up news based show. The network that show is on, Cute Bunny Shoes, hasn’t had news since the turn of the century.
OOPS! I guess you were talking about another network I don’t watch ever. Too late, I already submitted the comment. Oh, well.