Lightning Round 9-30-09

The illustrated version of The Lightning Round from the 9-30-09 Fred Thompson Show:

[YouTube direct link]

NOTE: Due to Fred being out of town for the filming of “Secretariat” on 10-1 and 10-2, there will be no Lightning Round for those dates. He should be back on 10-5, so I’ll have that edition up on 10-6 & carry on from there.

Not the Time for Loud Liberal Idiots

Who thought giving Joy Behar a show was a good idea? What was the pitch for that? “You know the angry sub-moronic arguments you’d usually have to sift through comments on the Huffington Post to find? We want a TV show of that.” She’s the most dim-witted of the View hosts, and that is an extraordinary accomplishment. Who in the world was clamoring for her insight right now?

And then we have this Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida, a freshman who has distinguished himself as a loud idiot in Congress — again, no small accomplishment. Considering that he’s from a competitive district, I’m not sure it was a smart idea that when people pointed out he’s a loud idiot he became louder and more of an idiot. If I only still lived in Florida, I could run against him and win in 2010.

While people tolerated liberals for a little bit after the 2008 election, that is long gone now. If Democrats want to have any hope going into 2010, they need to get and handle on their dumbasses. Each time they speak, that just more motivation for Republicans. It’s not motivating any Democrats worth mentioning though, as all that stupid energy got used up in 2008 and they are sleepy now.

When Will We Be Done with Hollywood?

So does this whole Polanski thing mean maybe we need to chuck Hollywood? Apparently they’re just busy raping children and making “art” and that’s why we get less and less decent entertainment out of them. Why is it too much to ask to get a movie where I can unironically cheer on terrorists getting killed? Does Hollywood just sympathize too much with them because they also rape children?

News is better because we now have the new media where anyone can help spread stories, including conservatives in their spare time. Now the stories the liberals don’t like don’t just fall through the cracks. I don’t know if that will happen with movies and TV, though, as that just seems to get further out of reach of the average man. To put a decent two hours up on screen costs like $30 million or something. That’s insane. If only the average man could one day put together a blockbuster in his spare time (people with real stories to tell do other things in life than just tell stories). We’d have so many better movies, and the “art” we have now a days would end up like the newspapers.

Maybe one day.

Nostalgic For The 90’s

Anyone remember back when Bill Clinton said, “The era of big government is over“?

Never thought I’d miss him, but at least he had the political savvy to bend with the polls.

Right now, I’d gladly trade czars for cigars.

Biblical Problems for IMAO

I got a problem. Was reading Acts yesterday and ran into this part:

Then Paul said, “I did not know, brethren, that he was the high priest; for it is written, ‘You shall not speak evil of a ruler of your people.’”

It says that? Uh-oh. Maybe there’s some context I’m missing, like it only applies to Jewish high priests. But until I figure this out, just to be on the safe side I don’t want anyone saying anything bad about Obama (except for Harvey since he’s an atheist).

Random Thoughts

So how many of the Polanski defenders are ignorant and vacuous and how many are perverted beyond all help?

Alan Grayson is kind of an idiot. I can see accidentally saying something stupid but it’s different when you had Kinkos print it out for you.

Palin is very innovative. She was apparently the first to use a ghost writer just like she was the first politician to use a speech writer.

No, Wait, Don’t Tell Me…

What’s the name for that psychological disorder where you imagine that someone you hate possesses the defect that you, yourself, have and are ashamed of?

Lightning Round 9-29-09

The illustrated version of The Lightning Round from the 9-29-09 Fred Thompson Show:

[YouTube direct link]