If You Want Violence, Ban Glenn Beck

The whole idea that Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck cause extremists to be violent is pretty ridiculous if you think about it for a second. If someone is a big Glenn Beck fan, then they agree a lot with Glenn Beck, and then why would they be violent when their views get such representation in the media through Glenn Beck’s show? People aren’t going to get violent if they feel they have a voice in the media. That’s why America’s system of free speech actually help to prevent political violence. The people who might get violent are those who feel they are voiceless, who no one out there represents their views. That’s mainly crazy people. People who think Glenn Beck is a left-wing squish. People who think Harry Reid is a great politicians. Grade A psychos basically.

Now if people were successfully in getting Glenn Beck off the air, what’s the best thing that happens next? You have a large group of people now feel their views are banned from discussion? And this leads to magical happy town how? Do people think Glenn Beck fans are just going to start watching Olbermann and say, “Wow! This guy makes much more sense!”?

Anyway, my point is freedom of speech is a good thing in many ways, so be very careful about getting in its way.


  1. More important, Beck is a pacifist. If the Obots were really afraid of ‘right wing crazies’ they would want MORE people watching his show as opposed to, just to take one example, listening to G. Gordon Liddy. In reality they are trying to goad the more extreme elements on our team into doing something stupid. Remember that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste and that if fate refuses to give you a crisis you can usually make one if you try hard enough.

    Which is really kinda weird seeing as Glenn is all into studying the Founders. Yes they were against violence but they were also realists who eventually realized that continuing to try reasoning with the King was about as effective as Obama and his efforts opening a dialog with Iran’s deranged little fascist dictator. When push came to shove they were violent revolutionaries. At some point the threat of violence has to be on the negotiating table and if you make the threat you had better be willing to follow through if needed.

    So long as the ballot box is open to us the cartridge box must be ruled out of bounds. But in the interest of preventing violence we should be making it crystal clear to Obama & his marxist/maoists that we draw the line there. Whether legislating new Democrat voters into existence crosses that line is a discussion we should be having.

  2. Ill say this about Harry Reid he has managed to get elected and re-elected a number of times in a heavily libertarian state. So as a slimy politician he has some sort of skill like cockroaches do for surviving.

    Some people know that both Beck and Reid are Mormons who converted late in life. As a Mormon let me say they would likely both be Pariahs among any ward they attended even if they were garbage men who thought and acted the same as they do now. Also please don’t judge a religion by a few semi-famous nitwits who joined it as adults. Example: I certainly don’t think any more or less of a religion that a Hollywood pin-head joins after a scandal or what religion a convict finds shortly before the parole hearing. All small cultural groups of people struggle with this dynamic from secular to religious where washed up media personalities try and cloak themselves to boost their flailing career. We have long been warned of wolves in sheep clothing among us who would use their membership with us for personal gain.

    If you want a glimpse into what the rest of us are like think about the fact that this K. Bestor LOTR arrangement was not a Sunday service but, actually a Saturday night entertainment show.

  3. What John Morris said. Which was a lot. I agree with him to a point. The cartridge box may be out of bounds; however, that rules out neither trebuchets nor rockets to the sun. I think it was Adams that argued that these are valid means of expression and therefore are within the bounds of political discourse.

    Either that, or it was something Frank and Marko cooked up.

  4. Actually, now that I think about this…wouldn’t, say, pointing out on television each night who the “Worst Person” of the day is – complete with trying to make the case why everyone with a soul should supposedly hate them – be the very definition of inciting hatred and violence?

  5. Again, Frank J. makes suggestions to the Left, and explains it to them in plain English. Next thing you know, Frank will be explaining to the Left how to declare Martial Law.

  6. So? Will I get a email telling me when hunting season starts or hows that gonna work? Right now Beck & Limbaugh are the Socialists greatest fear….. they know that if either of those guys called for a “action” that there would be action….Thats alot to juice…… think about it….. with mere spoken words they could start a revolution…………

  7. Never seen Beck on TV, but his radio show has become unlistenable. Even if he is right, it is not entertaining at all. My opinion of him used to be favorable but something happened to his show about the time he moved to new york.

    That being said, I would rather live in a world where he is on the air than one where he is not allowed to be. Freedom of speech is a very fundamental freedom.

    At what point do we lose enough freedom for this to become a tyranny?

  8. Here’s what’s happened to Glen. He’s become aware that most people don’t have a clue about what is REALLY going on in Washington. He understands that there are people on the left and on the right who are without integrity, without honor, without any kind of moral compass at all. He is now trying to teach these unpopular ideals to the largest amount of folks he can reach, because if he can’t reach them we are all doomed.

    Yes I know, I said it, doomed. How else would you describe the path those in power have set the country on? If left alone we will find ourselves facing fascism, socialism, anarchy and secularism run amuck.

    The reason the left hates Beck is because he asks the questions the liberal lap dog media refuses to ask and then he answers those questions with the most truthful answer he can find. Some times he’s wrong and when that happens he says so, but most of the time is dead on target. That’s also why the left hates Ann Coulter. They should run for office. I’d vote for them over the RHINO’s we have now.

    God bless you Glenn, Rush, Ann, and all the rest. Keep the faith.

  9. I have no problem with most of Becks message at least on the shows I have watched. Often I am glad he’s covering things others have ignored for too long. I know a lot of decent liberals who would be put off if they knew more about the left. Especially the interconnected web of lefty organization funding. My frustration with Beck is his hyper-emotionalism and too much focus about himself. Giving critics endless fodder to dismiss or distort what he says. For a good messenger its about the message never about the messenger.

  10. I will grant that his message is substantially correct. But it makes for bad radio. (I can’t speak for his TV show as I don’t get cable)

    He comes off as a panicked chicken little Douche bag in a bunker. It is not entertaining to listen to him emote every day.

    Now if he would throw in a few rocket enhanced dinosaurs or a plan to Nuke the moon maybe I could get into it.

  11. So if Olberman, or some liberal in the 2000’s said “Bush is destroying the country, you have to arm yourself and take the country back!” you wouldn’t think that’s even the littlest bit inciting violence? No reasonable people want to ban Beck, as much as they may hate them. But telling people they are “under siege” by “hostile forces”, and add the nonsense about a “foreign agent subverting democracy”, and to “reload” and “take aim” is just irresponsible. Ginning up outrage about imaginary issues (see ‘death panels’) just to get ratings is low, and Beck isn’t the only one doing it, but they should all be held responsible.

    I’d like a promise from Beck or anyone else who went nuts about the health care bill that if the world doesn’t end, as they predicted, they’ll quit their day-job and go work on a farm. Beck doesn’t have that long a track record to hold him to but some of the nuts (O’reilley, Olberman, Bachman) sure do.

    Also, a bit of a tangent but aren’t conservatives supposed to love capitalism? It’s pure capitalism to boycott businesses doing things you don’t like. If that succeeds in getting Beck off the air shouldn’t you free-marketers love the process, if not the outcome?

  12. Seanmahair is right on the money. As bad as it is now, think how bad it would be without the likes of Rush, Sean, Glenn, Ann and all the others speaking truth to Liberal Power.

  13. Lots of great points!

    As a regular watcher of Glenn, I can tell you he doesn’t cry that often. I’ve only listened to his radio show a couple times, don’t care for it. His TV show is informative; I’ve learned tons from watching.

    The left is scared because Beck is one of the few who speaks the truth and is (I think) the only one on TV. They are trying to marginalize him.

    IN my opinion, the less commercials during Beck, the better. I fast forward through all of them anyway!

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