Brian of Snapped Shot (perhaps best known for having the AP threaten to eat his brains for using their pictures), introduces EvilFeed.
Here’s how Brian describes it:
What I’ve put together here is the ultimate news photo aggregation source for just about every country involved in what has been referred to as the “Axis of Evil.” Iran, Syria, and a handful of terror groups. All presented to you, the reader, in a completely virus- and tracking-free format, so you can get a firsthand look at these nations’ official photo feeds without worrying about what’s going to happen to your computer.
If you’re looking for lolterizt! captioning material (and aren’t we all?), this is a great place to start.
Thanks, I’ve been looking for a poster-sized Qadafi to hang next to Donny & Marie.
Swooning, I am. Oh, the possibilities!