If Democrats starred in Futurama

Ever notice that some people seem to be the inspiration for certain characters on television? No? Well, then, you aren’t paying attention.

For example, several Futurama characters seem to have been inspired by leaders in the Democrat party…

[Direct link]

I’m sure there are many other TV characters that are based on politicians. Aren’t there?


  1. Wasn’t Miami Vice based upon Obama’s college years? Lurch from the Addams Family was clearly based on John Kerry in appearance and speech. Didn’t they model the robot from Lost In Space ” Warning Warning!” and “Does not compute” on AlGgore Climate Watchman?

  2. Robert Gibbs: Daffy Duck from the Loony Tunes
    David Axelrod: Pig Pen from Charlie Brown
    Rahm Emmanuel: Wile E. Coyotie from the Loony Tunes
    Desiree Rogers: Daphne from Scooby Do
    Valerie Jarrett: That annoying next door neighbor from Bewitched
    Tom Harkin: Commander McBragg from Tennessee Tuxedo
    Al Franken: Chim-Chim the monkey from the original Speed Racer

  3. Robert Gibbs: Daffy Duck from the Loony Tunes.
    David Axelrod: Pig Pen from Charlie Brown.
    Rahm Emmanuel: Wile E. Coyotie from the Loony Tunes.
    Desiree Rogers: Daphne from Scooby Do.
    Valerie Jarrett: That annoying next door neighbor from Bewitched.
    Tom Harkin: Commander McBragg from Tennessee Tuxedo.
    Al Franken: Chim-Chim the monkey from the original Speed Racer.

  4. Pingback: IMAO: So, do we mock him, ignore him, or celebrate his genius?

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