Random Thoughts

The Journolist makes me worried about what would happen if a bunch of journalists conspired together who weren’t excitable dimwits.

“Paycheck Fairness Act” – Do not like the sound of that. How did liberals succeed in making “fairness” an ominous word?

Ooh. I have a good insult for Andrew Breitbart. Instead of calling him “Breitbart” we call him “Not-Very-Bright-bart.”

Why does Batman keep some kryptonite in a safe? Because Superman is a journalist so he doesn’t trust him.

Too bad the Journolist shut down. Now how are liberals going to figure out to call everybody who disagrees with them racist?

The White House saw part of the video and thought Sherrod was racist. Then they found out she was a reformed racist and fired her.

I hope we all learned a lesson on not judging others based on their race, which is a lesson honkeys especially need to take note of.

Liberals have lost the right to call people racist. If they think someone is racist, they should first get confirmation from a conservative. BTW, liberals, you can go ahead and call Mel Gibson racist.

Know what Vilsack’s name makes me think of? Potato sack.

Racism used to involve slavery and lynching. Now it involves a president getting yelled at when he wastes trillions of dollars.

Be nice to Andrew Breitbart or he’ll get the NAACP to fire you. Or he’ll steal images from your blog.

Remember that Black Panthers at your polling place are more scared of you than you are of them. Especially if you’re a cracker.

Context matters when charging someone with racism? Weird. When did that happen?

A lot of the right-wing noise machine seems to be us arguing principles among ourselves.

An idea: Instead of arguing in public, let’s move it to a secret mailing list. We can also plot there who to call racist.

Make you choice on the Sherrod issue, liberals: Do you stand with Andrew Breitbart or Glenn Beck?

A conservative racist will never get credit for reforming. A liberal racist will be assumed to have reformed just by being for higher taxes.

This whole NAACP “snookered” thing reminds me of some expression about petards and hoisting. Maybe: “A petard hoisted is a petard earned”?

Shirley Sherrod learned not to be racist and it got her fired. She’ll never do that again.

I should have known something was wrong with the Sherrod story as soon as I saw that Breitbart stole an image from my site to break it. No, I will not let go of that!

Even when I thought the video did show racism, it seemed she got fired way too quickly.

Watching a classic Hong Kong movie. Believe it’s called “Jon Woo Directs as Chow Yun Fat Jumps Around Shooting People.”

Plot: There are people running around that Chow Yun Fat doesn’t like so he shoots them.

I believe the doves in Jon Woo movies symbolize awesomeness.

They translated something in the movie as “woe betide.” Really? That was the closest thing in English? Maybe he was speaking Elizabethan era Cantonese.

I have to say: It’s quite fascinating what liberal journalists say when they think no one else is listening.

Funny. Privately, I tend to express things more sympathetic to the left than I say publicly.


  1. “Paycheck Fairness Act” – Do not like the sound of that. How did liberals succeed in making “fairness” an ominous word?

    Because they’re liberals. They made “liberal” an ominous word. Moreover, like something out of an Ayn Rand novel, they like using phrases for their legislation, phrases that sound great to stupid people and not so great to anyone with a measure of history and sense. Also, they’ve done it for so long now it’s easy to detect.

  2. “The Journolist makes me worried about what would happen if a bunch of journalists conspired together who weren’t excitable dimwits.”

    You have nothing to worry about. Unless the Fox News folks get together and start conspiring.

    Although that might work out pretty well…

  3. “Too bad the Journolist shut down. Now how are liberals going to figure out to call everybody who disagrees with them racist?”

    Not to worry, calling people racist is what libs do best, they don’t need no steenkin’ journolist for that!

    ““Paycheck Fairness Act” – Do not like the sound of that. How did liberals succeed in making “fairness” an ominous word?”

    Liberals have a way of making any word ominous. Liberal, progressive, fairness, facts, justice, democracy, truth, freedom, etc., are only some of the words that make my skin crawl when a liberal utters them. That’s because they really don’t mean them in the way most people understand them.

  4. “Too bad the Journolist shut down. Now how are liberals going to figure out to call everybody who disagrees with them racist?”

    Not to worry, calling people racist is what libs do best, they don’t need no steenkin’ journolist for that!

    ““Paycheck Fairness Act” – Do not like the sound of that. How did liberals succeed in making “fairness” an ominous word?”

    Liberals have a way of making any word ominous. Liberal, progressive, fairness, facts, justice, democracy, truth, freedom, etc., are only some of the words that make my skin crawl when a liberal
    utters them. That’s because they really don’t mean them in the way most people understand them.

  5. Journolsit sounds like a list bathrooms the liberal news readers go to meet, if you know what I mean. It came out about the time of Teh One’s coronation that a group of the Sunday morning talking head shows had a daily phonefest with Rahm Emmanuel. That should have been a warning.

    “Paycheck Fairness Act”? Some one owes Ayn Rand’s estate a check for that one. Copyright infringement and all that.

    “Why does Batman keep some kryptonite in a safe…” Brillaint and a keeper.

    We will eventually find out this whole sherrod episode is a set up. Not to sound paranoid, but she was fired without protest too fast. We do know she got her USDA job immeadiatlhy after winning a discrimination law suit.

    Frank has now reviewed nearly everything out of Hong Kong’s movie scene with one review.

  6. I still think she is a racist. Reason? Ask yourself this, Why did she refer to what she did as “I took him to one of his own kind” instead of “so I took him to a white lawyer”? ONE OF HIS OWN KIND? That was her present day characterization of what she did. Or am I to assume she was “in the moment”?

    Now, I am more than willing to admit when I am wrong, so if someone wants to educate me as to why I’m incorrect, please feel free to do so. Now back to the regularly scheduled program….

    @ # 8 , The potato sack comment was also my initial reaction to that “tidbit”.

  7. BTW …. It is being reported (I heard the audio) that Sherrod is saying that the White House was so hot to trot on this that they hounded her by phone while driving (on a three hour drive) until they literally told her to pull over and call her resignation. She has identified the individual that was calling her.

  8. “Paycheck Fairness Act” – Do not like the sound of that. How did liberals succeed in making “fairness” an ominous word?

    Well, we can guarantee the act will not include letting us keep it. Maybe that’s why it is so ominous?

    Shirley Sherrod learned not to be racist and it got her fired. She’ll never do that again.

    Can we make eric holder not be a racist? elana kagan, rom the manual? barry soetero?

  9. Right or wrong on Sherrod, her firing was a brilliant move. Think about it, when was the last time Obama dropped someone like a sack of hot potatoes (a Vilsack) immediately after a story broke? That would be never. What’s different here? Obama needed to change the story quickly from the NAACP to Shirley Sherrod because Obama needs the NAACP to help lead the racism chant into the elections.

    And why not keep the story about her on the front burner by mulling her reinstatement?

    All this leaves Breitbart shouting into the wind, “It’s not about Shirley Sherrod. It’s about the NAACP.” Woe betide the many conservatives (a.k.a. honkeys) who have been snookered by the NAACP into focusing on the lesser story.

    If I could scheme to deflect a scandal so smoothly, I’d be, well, a member of Journolist.

    In my never humble opinion, Terrible Troy is right (I’ve done a Crist here), and the reaction of the NAACP crowd supports Breitbart’s accusation.

  10. How can all of you go on with your lives, acting as if everything’s okay, while Lindsay Lohan sits behind bars?

    Or, at the very least, she’s lying on a couch behind a line painted on the floor and no one will get her a beer.

  11. If only those trillions were wasted instead of the much more nefarious purposes a big chunk of the spending is being used for.

    -I never found the Sherrod lately particularly bad considering the company she keeps. I still think the video showing peoples reactions is the real scandal. Even when she tries to pose the question that what if it is more about class then race watch the wave of confusion and disbelief sweep over their faces.

    I still think the biggest scandal is that the black community for being ahead of the rest of us for good and bad on clothing and language its leaders of the collectives are still decades behind everyone else on racial thinking. OJ trial was the last time America got such a clear view of the swamp of dysfunction that is their collective views on race.

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