Let’s Treat Our Politicians Properly

So Charles Rangel is super corrupt — which is a surprise to no one but it’s interesting that it looks like they’re actually going to do something about it now. Why do we let this stuff go on so long, though? Do we have trouble finding which politicians are corrupt? I’ll give you a hint on that: It’s pretty much all of them.

We send incompetent sociopaths to run things in Washington, and if they weren’t corrupt already they soon will be with their new power. So should we stop electing incompetent sociopaths. Well, that’s not really practical. Instead, let’s just assume they all are criminals already. We get everyone in Congress ankle bracelets and parole officers and monitor them 24/7. Frankly, if you’re an elected official, you shouldn’t have a single private conversation while serving; that’s a trade off for the job. As soon as we start treating all our politicians as criminals, we’ll be less disappointed in them.

The Emperor’s New Jobs

In Emperor Obama’s kingdom, there was a shortage of jobs. So Obama hired smart economists with degrees and stuff who sounded really super smart to get jobs. So they went to work making jobs, seizing all the assets of the land to spend on their schemes. Soon, the economists when to Obama and said, “We’ve saved and created many new jobs, but they’re completely invisible to dumb, racist teabaggers. So if you can’t see the jobs–”

“I can see the jobs!” Obama interrupted. “I’m smart! I can see millions of them!”

So Obama ran out to address his people. “I am happy to announce we’ve saved or created 3.6 million new jobs. That makes me the smartest emperor ever. And if it seems like we’ve only lost more jobs since I’ve went to work on the issue, that’s because the jobs are invisible to stupid people who are racist and stuff.”

A lone child then yelled out, “The Emperor has no jobs!” But no one could hear the child over everyone laughing at what a stupid dummy the Emperor was. And no one worried the Emperor would do anything to them because he was completely impotent.


Liberals and Racism

So Shirley Sherrod said Breitbart wants to take us back to the days of slavery, which seems like an odd charge to make — nuts as some might say. And Howard Dean said FOX News is “absolutely racist” for reporting on news that was made by Obama firing someone for being racist. Again, some people might find this confusing. You might think that racism involves judging other people on their race, but that’s a common mis-perception of dumb crackers. Here’s how liberals can tell if someone is racist:

* He doesn’t like taxes.

* He doesn’t like big government.

* He notices Obama’s incompetence.

* He doesn’t think liberals are super-duper smart.

You ever get the feeling that liberals don’t really care about racism and just like tossing the charge around because they think it can help them politically? If they thought charging the Tea Parties with being too nice to minorities could hurt Tea Parties politically, they’d make that charge instead. And if joining the KKK and lynching minorities could help them enact progressive policies, liberals would be all over that. It’s like how they are much harsher in their rhetoric towards conservatives who are minorities because they find those conservatives extra threatening (if a large portion of black break towards the Republicans, liberals are doomed). So does being meaner to someone because of his or her race (like how liberals are extra mean to Michelle Malkin) make liberals racist? Strictly speaking, I guess so, but the motivator isn’t race it’s just pure partisan politics — the same as any other action liberals do. Liberals are just happy to use racism when they think it benefits them politically and yell about imagined racism when they think that is beneficial.

In a more just world, liberals would no longer be able to charge racism because they’ve used up all their credibility on that issue. If they honestly thought someone was racism and wanted to call him on it, they’d have to ask a conservative to confirm the racism and give them permission to use that charge. Of course, if spotting racism wasn’t politically beneficial to liberals, they probably wouldn’t care about it.

Random Thoughts

Breitbart is the new William F. Buckley if every liberal is the new Gore Vidal.

Now that I have an iPad, anytime I use my big laptop I feel like a caveman.

I remember when charges of extremism and racism weren’t completely partisan in motivation. Or maybe I’m thinking of some fiction I read.

In this time of high unemployment and many threats abroad, our biggest problem is imaginary racism.

Shorter Obama: “Can you get that jar from the high shelf? I can’t reach it.”

So apparently Sherrod hasn’t learned a single lesson about baseless charges of racism. You can charge Breitbart with being an irresponsible political hack, but to say he want to bring the country back to the time of slavery you have to be a loony toon.

Sherrod: “I want him to show me how he’s not a racist.” How do you do that?

It would be nice if we had a blood test so you could get a certificate showing you’re not a racist.

Still, moronic conversations about race are leagues better than how things used to be forty years ago.

Wait, I forgot that forty only gets us back to the 70s now. Let’s say fifty.

Remember when Bush showed up to the State of the Union address dressed up like Aquaman because someone told him it was a costume party? I miss him. Good times.

Exception handling! It’s like 50% of programming is for 5% of use cases.

Still haven’t finished watching the first season of Mad Men through Netflix. It’s… well made.