The Journolist makes me worried about what would happen if a bunch of journalists conspired together who weren’t excitable dimwits.
“Paycheck Fairness Act” – Do not like the sound of that. How did liberals succeed in making “fairness” an ominous word?
Ooh. I have a good insult for Andrew Breitbart. Instead of calling him “Breitbart” we call him “Not-Very-Bright-bart.”
Why does Batman keep some kryptonite in a safe? Because Superman is a journalist so he doesn’t trust him.
Too bad the Journolist shut down. Now how are liberals going to figure out to call everybody who disagrees with them racist?
The White House saw part of the video and thought Sherrod was racist. Then they found out she was a reformed racist and fired her.
I hope we all learned a lesson on not judging others based on their race, which is a lesson honkeys especially need to take note of.
Liberals have lost the right to call people racist. If they think someone is racist, they should first get confirmation from a conservative. BTW, liberals, you can go ahead and call Mel Gibson racist.
Know what Vilsack’s name makes me think of? Potato sack.
Racism used to involve slavery and lynching. Now it involves a president getting yelled at when he wastes trillions of dollars.
Be nice to Andrew Breitbart or he’ll get the NAACP to fire you. Or he’ll steal images from your blog.
Remember that Black Panthers at your polling place are more scared of you than you are of them. Especially if you’re a cracker.
Context matters when charging someone with racism? Weird. When did that happen?
A lot of the right-wing noise machine seems to be us arguing principles among ourselves.
An idea: Instead of arguing in public, let’s move it to a secret mailing list. We can also plot there who to call racist.
Make you choice on the Sherrod issue, liberals: Do you stand with Andrew Breitbart or Glenn Beck?
A conservative racist will never get credit for reforming. A liberal racist will be assumed to have reformed just by being for higher taxes.
This whole NAACP “snookered” thing reminds me of some expression about petards and hoisting. Maybe: “A petard hoisted is a petard earned”?
Shirley Sherrod learned not to be racist and it got her fired. She’ll never do that again.
I should have known something was wrong with the Sherrod story as soon as I saw that Breitbart stole an image from my site to break it. No, I will not let go of that!
Even when I thought the video did show racism, it seemed she got fired way too quickly.
Watching a classic Hong Kong movie. Believe it’s called “Jon Woo Directs as Chow Yun Fat Jumps Around Shooting People.”
Plot: There are people running around that Chow Yun Fat doesn’t like so he shoots them.
I believe the doves in Jon Woo movies symbolize awesomeness.
They translated something in the movie as “woe betide.” Really? That was the closest thing in English? Maybe he was speaking Elizabethan era Cantonese.
I have to say: It’s quite fascinating what liberal journalists say when they think no one else is listening.
Funny. Privately, I tend to express things more sympathetic to the left than I say publicly.
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