The NAACP now claims they were “snookered” by Andrew Breitbart into asking for Shirley Sherrod to be fired. Well, I’m glad they said it. I was going to call Breitbart a snookerer myself, but I was afraid of being called a racist since there is a long racial history of white people being falsely accused of snookering. But Breitbart is a snookerer. A serial snookerer. That guy does nothing but snooker.
Look at how he snookered the White House. As soon as he put up the video, they were like, “Let’s set the world record for how fast we can fire a racist!” Then it ends up she was telling a story of how she changed her racist ways and helped the white farmer, and for jumping the gun the White House looks like a bunch of total inept buffoons, i.e., it’s a Wednesday.
And you all saw how Breitbart snookered me by stealing my race card. Well he contacted me and said, “You better shut up about that, or I’ll release some video that will snooker IMAO into firing you.” And I was like, “But I own IMAO and I don’t think I’ll fire myself.” And Breitbart said, “You say that now, but you haven’t seen the video.” And now I’m worried, because I did just recently give myself some warnings on language and am treading on thin ice here at IMAO, and maybe — just maybe — I’m looking for an excuse to fire myself and all it will take is some snookering from Breitbart to seal the deal!
I don’t think I should go up against Breitbart. That guy can snooker.
By “Snooker” do you mean “Play Pool?”
I don’t understand how you crackers talk?
Smart call, Frank. Breitbart can snooker like nobody’s business. He snookered the ACORN schnooks right out of town. When Breitbart gives you a righteous snookering you know you’ve been snookered and snookered good.
I am more than willing to go up against Andrew Breitbart! I use a picture of Burt Lancaster for my avatar. I’m not afraid of anyone!
Breitbart, we all know the truth! You snookered Obama’s people into slave ships, but you can’t snooker us! Snooker is a stupid sport too. I bet you hate curling, the real man’s sport!
So, Snooky Obama got snookered by a snookerer? He was The One who warned us about being hoodwinked and bamboozled during the campaign, remember? But he must not know anything about snookering and being snookered. What a Snooky.
Public snookering is illegal here in Georgia. Specailly on sundays.
dDd anyone else notice Sherrod was fired by the White House after admitting she helped a white guy? hmm? No good cracker helper.
Actually, seeing how Breibart is exposing liberals and making them look like the lying goons they really are, you should be honored to snookered by him. After all, you’re in good company, he also snookered ACORN and the NAACP too. You should be honored who took the time to steal your race card instead of someone elses.
Besides, you have no idea what he has on you on that video so the safe route is to just let it go and congratulate Breibart on his brilliant snokering of everything in sight.
Frank, wasn’t it Nathan Hale who said, “I have not yet begun to be snookered for my country!”
Stand fast. Admit nothing. Call Breitbart a racist.
“Don’t give up the snooker table!” – James Lawrence.
“Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful snooker.” – Rick.
“All great change in America begins at the snooker table.” – Ronald Reagan.
“I coulda been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am, let’s face it. I coulda been a snookerer.” – Marlon Brando.
“This snookerer, Breitbart, swallow you whole. Little shakin’, little tenderizin’, little racist rantin’, an’ down you go.” – Quint.
“That’ll be the snooker!” – John Wayne.
Does this mean that you’re a snookeree?
the hilarious thing is that ben jealous was there. he was there for her speech.
So basically he is saying that he was tricked by being shown a clip of something, where he had originally seen the whole thing.
“Snooker? I don’t have no snooker! I don’t need no steenkin’ snooker!” – The Treasure of Sierra Madre
“Snooker? Oh, you won’t be seeing him no more.” – Clemenza, The Godfather
“Leave the snooker, take the canoli.” – Clemenza, The Godfather
“It’s only a snooker wound.” – The Black Night, Monty Python & The Holy Grail
Those poor helpless democrats. When you spend every minute of every day trying to figure out if something was good so you can take the credit, or bad so you can blame Republicans, every now and then you make a mistake.
This is why racism still exists in America because white devil honky crackers like you keep using words like snookerer!
Under the democratic party the american white in the old days made black people had to sit in the back of the bus. Under the liberals for the last 40 years they now they dont even have to ride the bus to get welfare. But now under Obama he keep saying they should go to school but the first thing he does is throw them under the bus.
What is it with the left and buses? Is bus code for communist agenda?
“Go ahead, snooker my day” Clint Eastwood
“The purpose of war is to make the other SOB snooker for their country” George C.Scott
What I want to know, is where AB stands on Sherrod herself. He’s stated the video wasn’t about her, and that’s fine, but that doesn’t explain the intro cards for the video too well. Racist, reformed, or whatever this woman’s current stance would be, she was taken to the cleaners over this. Breitbart indirectly sent yet another American to the list of the unemployed; A cost I’m not too willing to celebrate even if the prize is getting the White House and NAACP to act more stupidly than usual. All I’m saying, is there’s potential in what the public has been shown so far for her to be cleared of directly advocating racism to the NAACP. Now the lackwits in the audience cheering racially motivated decisions on as she tells the story should be put in stocks and publicly ridiculed for failure to form a complete thought.
Clearly, I have some reservations regarding just how much she deserved to be shown the door. Unless of course Barry was really proud to have finally distinguished it from a window, then by all means, share the accomplishment…
“Four score and seven years ago, our fathers snookered the crap out of the English who then went home.”
-Honest Abe Lincoln
Jealous wasn’t snookered…he simply put his mouth into motion before putting his brain into gear. Ditto for the administration. Neither checked the facts, both reacted in the normal politically correct liberal manner. The results were embarrassment to all. Perhaps next time Jealous needs to get up off his snooker playing butt and check out the facts before opening his mouth. Ditto for the admisitration.
When I run for President (or Empress Of The Universe) I want Andrew Breitbart to run my campaign.
It is fitting that the NAACP finally drop all pretense of caring about the welfare of black communities which is different then keeping black communities dependent on welfare. That they are ready to just abandon the pretense and embrace communist style class warfare tells you just how far down the Marxist rabbit hole they have gone.
How do you get a family name like ‘Jealous’?
Were Envy, Greed and Spite already taken?
To quote from The Hangover: “You are literally too stupid to insult.”