In this ABC News story, it talks about “scientists” opposing Governor Jindal’s plan to deal with the oil spill. It never mentions who these scientists are or where they come from, because I guess it doesn’t matter because all you need to know is they’re scientists and thus right because they use Science!
Which gets me thinking: I’m a scientist. Well, I have a bachelors in science. And I like to study stuff like the science of humor. So I’m a scientist. That means that when you quote me, you shouldn’t say that, “Frank J. says…” You should say, “Scientists say…” So here are some new scientifical statements:
Scientists say that more funding and research needs to be devoted to dinosaurs with rocket launchers on them and space lasers.
Scientists say that lab tests on monkeys aren’t quite cruel enough yet.
Scientists say the best strategy for the president during a crisis is to accidentally lock himself in a trunk so he’ll stay out of the way of anyone who actually knows how to do something useful.
Scientists say we’re almost out of Doritos and should get more.
Scientists say that Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a really fun game.
Scientists say that SarahK should get up and get her own water instead of having her husband do it after he’s already sat down for dinner.
Scientists say that the cat should stop clawing people while they write or it’s going to get popped in the face.
Scientists say, “Buy my t-shirts.”
Remember, you can’t question any of this, because I… wield… Science!