RINO Detection

With this whole Christine O’Donnell thing, there have been a lot of accusations of people being RINOs being thrown about. Even evil Republican schemer Karl Rove is being accused of being a RINO for criticizing O’Donnell.

What I think we need is some definitive test to detect RINOs. RINOs can look just like us most of the time which can make it hard to detect them. What we’ll need is a test designed to provoke emotional responses about freedom, tax cuts, and Reagan, and then we can detect the subtle differences in RINOs in their breathing patterns and how their pupils dilate. So the test will look something like this:

Hopefully RINOs won’t be as violent when discovered (or decide to run as independents), but that’s some of the kinks we’ll have to work out of the system.


  1. A bit of housekeeping: It seems that the Random Thoughts post has disappeared. Perhaps there’s a database problem. I received a database error earlier today (could not connect), and I received a 404 when trying to re-access the Random Thoughts post. I don’t think it’s a cache problem; the Random Thoughts post doesn’t show using three different browsers (Firefox, Opera and Dillo).

  2. RINO’s are too sissy boys to worry about that action! That’s something that Sarah Palin would do, that’s why she’s my candidate! When some prissy press boy like little Stephanopolis asks one of his insipid questions I believe that to be an appropriate response which the American People will cheer loudly and vote for in droves in November!

  3. * If you are still whining like a little baby because Castle didn’t win then you are a RINO and must be purged!

    * If your name starts with Allah and ends with Pundit then you are a RINO and must be purged!

    * If you are the current governor of California then you are a RINO and must be purged!

    Bring warm clothes and shovel, comrades!

  4. RINO’s won’t get violent. Too wussy. Like their cousins, the dems.

    Random Thoughts vanishing was not an act of censorship, but SarahK’s getting someone’s attention. Somethuing about a baby or or along those lines.

  5. I hate to say this, but if it has an “R” by it’s name, it’s probably a RINO. There are VERY FEW actual conservatives.

    The Republican Party is like taking an almost empty bottle of good Scotch and filling it up with some cheap Bourbon and still calling it Scotch.

  6. OK, long term strategy: we get a few more conservatives into office each election cycle until the remaining RINOs stand out like a zebra in a herd of buffalo, then cull the herd.

    “Cuthbert H. Humphrey, Governor of our territory, (fill-in-the-blanks, name and office) is a cull. Do you know what a cull is, ma’am? A cull is a specimen that is so worthless that you have to cut him out of the herd. Now if all the people in the world were put in one herd, Cuthbert is the one I would throw a rope at.”
    – George Washington Mclintock (John Wayne)

  7. Unfortunately the elite of both parties needs to go. People who make their living off the backs of the people and who have become fat and rich off the government need to be shown the door. There should be no such thing as a career politician.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Rove doesn’t like her so we all should get behind the career politician Castle? Really. Mr Rove must be starting to believe his own press. That’s just what happened to Sean Penn, Rosie O’Donnel and “the one”. They all believed whole heartedly that the people were just brained washed idiots who needed to be educated. Where exactly are they now? Except for the emperor, who’s numbers are in the basement, neither of the other two can get a spot on Hollywood Squares.

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