Haven’t been following politics too closely for a little while, but I probably should as I might be like a professional pundit or something. Like, whatever it is you need to do to be called a professional pundit, it’s possible I’ve done that at some point. That means people are waiting on my opinion on politics to know what to think and stuff.
So what’s been going on? There was a debate in Delaware over a senate seat — a senate seat for Delaware (do you know they have two senators, despite being Delaware?). And polls have the race not even being close and polls also show that the race is in Delaware, so it’s like it’s why do we even care. But it was a bit biased how Wolf Blitzer kept interrupting O’Donnell to shout, “She’s a witch! Burn her!” Chris Coons may be Harry Reid’s pet, but the moderator’s of that debate seemed to be his.
And the White House is attacking the Chamber of Commerce for… something. I’m not really sure what other than it’s intensely boring. Yet, this is the big thing Obama is concentrating on to try to get some movement in polls or something. I think Obama has officially gone insane. He’s probably going to descend into weird government conspiracies next… which is hard to pull off when you’re the president.
And while you don’t want to get your hopes up too much, it looks like a huge Republican wave is coming in November which will be pretty much unprecedented. Democrats are having to pour money into races they never thought they’d have to defend and cut off tons of lost causes in the House. It’s possible Democrats may be headed for extinction — though like with the mosquito, that may be a good thing. And the asteroid that caused this extinction level event for the Democrats is called Obama. Good job, dummy. Anyway, be prepared to do some really obnoxious gloating in November. You don’t want to have to look back and realize you weren’t quite as obnoxious in your gloating as the day called for.
So what else is going on? And how are all you people doing? Don’t answer the second one; I don’t really care.
I am doing great, except I never learned my maths too good. Which question was the second one?
Obama is attacking the Chamber of Commerce at the request of the Bavarian Illuminatti because they were getting waaayyyyy too close to figuring out that Lee Harvey Oswald really did act alone in the Kennedy assassination.
Hope that helps you get caught up.
Frank, why would I let your lack of concern stop me from telling you how I’m doing? I’m doing well, thank you very much, but I’ve got a bit of the after lunch fuzzies. Not to worry though, I’m having a cup of coffee and that should fix me right up.
Where is Delaware and what have they ever contributed to the United States. I say we just give the state 24 hours notice, everyone evacuates and then we nuke the sh!t out of the place! Then we don’t have to worry about any Senators from Delaware because nobody will live there!
I’m doing fine, actually! We know that you really care under that crusty exterior that you put on! How is Buttercup? Do you have her enrolled in the “right” pre-school yet? You can’t leave these things to the last minute! I mean then she will be like shunned at Kindergarten because she didn’t go to the preppy pre-school! Then you have to pick the right school for her so she can rub elbows with the bigs in your community. That will eventually get her into Harvard and turn her into an Obama like scholor!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!
You didn’t miss much. The Republicans are still rolling in. Viva our new political leaders, Jay Gould, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, and other old white men!
Oh, you may have missed a judge in California trying to re-start our newest political idea in America. Namely, that it’s okay for the American people to tell the military how to run itself. We are moving back to thinking we know what’s best for the armed forces. We are moving back to thinking the military should be like “normal” society. Great idea, judge.
Let me sum up everything that you missed for you. According to democrats, America bad, communism and dictators good. Obama is still The One.
I hope that helps.
Drudge and others are reporting a small silver ball floating over NYC. Police say it’s a balloon. Others a say mit’s a UFO. The truth is it’s the dem’s election hopes floating away.
There is no media bias towards the left. Just because CNN had Mikey Moore on after the Delaware debate to comment on O’Dnnell, and the same debate was most of pmsnbc’s coverage is no reason to believe there is bias.
Ok, so, here’s what I’ve heard.
The Canadians are calling for the coldest winter in 55 years. The Russians, on the other hand, claim that the Gulf Stream is at 1/2 its normal velocity and are calling for the coldest winter in 1000 years. Meanwhile, in my neck of the woods, NOAA is calling for below normal from November through next June.
Could the Russians be wrong? Or just crazy? Do I believe NOAA? And should I care about coldness to the north of me in Canada? (Canadians are normally not a cold people.)
Just in case I’ve got four cords put up and am splitting more. If anyone comes over and helps me split, they can have some.
I been doing great and I’m horrible at doing what people tell me to do.
Jimmy, stay warm. We hear in Minnesota laugh at the Russian light weights. We look at winter and say “bring it”! 80 below wind chill, good ice fishing weather! 40 below real temperature…”is that all you got”! We live for this stuff up here! I think we need a Kanookcannon, however as the Canadian hordes come thundering south to get warm. We will just blast them back to the land of Where men are men and men are glad of it…
It’s possible Democrats may be headed for extinction — though like with the mosquito, that
maywill absolutely be a good thing. – FIFYYeah, ussjc, I recently came back into the US via the Canadian border at Blaine, WA and it took one hour and 35 minutes because the line was full of Canadians coming south to shop on their Canadian Thanksgiving Day (in October, before Halloween, of all things) ! I kid you not. Apparently, up north, “Thanksgiving” is a light-weight affair where instead of shouting “Turkey!”, one hears “LET’S GO SHOPPING IN THE US!” instead. So the hoards are thick – especially since the US and Canadian dollars are about par with each other.
This state of affairs definitely calls for your Canuckcannon.
FWIW, the Chamber of Commerce something-or-other has intensified after Beck donated 10k and confused arguments on domestic policey ensued.
So, yeah. Nothing.
Extra hot summer, extra cold winter… on average I guess I’d say I’m comfortable.
There was also something political about whores in Californicate but it be the west coast, I wasn’t paying to much attention to it.
In other news, there was a major fire at a flag in France that produces white flags. As a result, their military has been crippled.
Bawney Fwank is vewy cwose in the powws and has cawwed in both Obama and Cwinton. It looks wike he’s going to get his a$$ handed to him…but he’s ok with that…
In other news, there was a major fire at a flag in France that produces white flags. At a flag what in France that produces white flags?? A flag factory, plant, shop, store, storehouse, cartel, concern, retail outlet, emporium, manufacturer, manufacturary, workshop, mill, warehouse, discount store, center, depot, dump, repository, company, establishment, enterprise…what?? I’ll never get a decent night sleep ’till you tell me.
I don’t think Bawney likes getting his a$$ handed to him near as much as he likes getting his a$$ handled.