Random Thoughts

Not only are they not defunding NPR, they’re starting a sister network: N-Poo-R.

“Silly rabbit, lagomorphs don’t have property rights so we’re taking away your Trix cereal! And while we’re at it, your ability to talk is an affront to both God and man.”

I like Sarah Palin, but you have to admit she’s a horrible, stupid person and everything she does is wrong.

Sarah Palin’s Alaska was basically a big ad for Alaskan tourism, so I’m not particular surprised there was Alaska tax money in it. Plus, doesn’t Alaska basically just hand out tax money to everyone who lives there. What’s that about?



  1. You are right about Sarah Palin! I’ve been watching Chris Matthews and reading the New York Times and she is terrible terrible terrible!!! She isn’t very smart like Obama is! She never did any Community Organizing! She has never been in the House and Senate so that right there makes her a terrible candidate! How can one be President of The United States without having lived off the taxpayer’s dole for 13 or 14 years while getting absolutely nothing accomplished!

    Unlike big boy candidates like Mitt Rom…umm…Mike Hukleb…umm…Newt Ging…umm… Hey, Sarah Palin is awesome! I am a Sarah Palin fan! Run Sarah run!

  2. “Silly rabbit, lagomorphs don’t have property rights so we’re taking away your Trix cereal! And while we’re at it, your ability to talk is an affront to both God and man.”

    I could never eat Trix for I was raised to bark uncontrollably at the sight of any lagomorph. Even sugary lagomorphs!

    I like Sarah Palin, but you have to admit she’s a horrible, stupid person and everything she does is wrong.

    I told you so! I have never liked her! I can think of so many bad things to say about her!

    Her voice is an affront to God and man! Her swimming is an affront to the proud Chinook salmon! Her name is far easier to write than Liza Murcoski (Who does she think she is!!!?)!

    Finally, she’s white! I am so sick of white people!

    Sarah Palin’s Alaska was basically a big ad for Alaskan tourism, so I’m not particular surprised there was Alaska tax money in it. Plus, doesn’t Alaska basically just hand out tax money to everyone who lives there. What’s that about?

    Imagine if Fred Thompson had a television show and imagine the producers of that television show accepting tax money. Fred throwing people into the sun is not a new phenomenon, but has he done so on live television? Imagine the ratings!

  3. Sarah Palin – she’s so smart in so many ways, but so frequently runs into the fray like a lawyer chasing an ambulance and just gets in her own way, and comes off looking really, really silly. If she were politically smart (and ready for the hornet’s nest that is DC) she’d have never resigned as AK Governor and would have kept up in office while becoming more well-versed in current topics. Love her or hate her, you have to admit she didn’t do herself political favors the last couple of years.

    If I were her, I’d keep on as a pundit and keep laughing all the way to the bank.

  4. I don’t understand where Mr. Fred Thompson has been. I understand that all the silly stuff going on in Washington has been far below him, however when it comes to spending our money I would expect some major smoting! But Mr. Fred Thompson knows best so I’m going to wait confident that when the smoting starts it will be awesome! I would not want to be on the end of a Mr. Fred Thompson “I smote thee”! That’s about as bad as it get’s here on earth or anywhere else in the Universe! Since God himself has appointed Mr. Fred Thompson his current Smoter be afraid…be very afraid!!! Bohner should be curled under his desk whimpering like a 4th grade girl…he’s first on the Smoting list!!!

  5. The only problem with Sarah Palin is she’s too pretty. If she were haggard and had bad hair like Hillary, people would love her. Plus, she’s a conservative and everyone knows they are stupid and racist.

    If Romney and Huckabee run, I am going to vomit. I like that young guy with all the ideas – Paul Ryan. Plus, he’s a cutie.

  6. Actually that’s not tax money we get…it’s a dividend payment on interest drawn on our permanent fund…it’s got nothin’ to do with taxes. PS: That yearly payment drives some of the politicians crazy, mostly the left wing ones, and yes…even we have some of those.

  7. …Plus, doesn’t Alaska basically just hand out tax money to everyone who lives there. What’s that about?

    I’m working on a theory, but I haven’t perfected it. Here is my theory, and it goes like this: Alaska permits petroleum mining. It receives much tax revenue from this.

    My second theory is that you can trigger collective pants wetting amongst liberals and squishes simply by talking about producing 10% of America’s oil needs from a spot of land 4 sq. miles large in an area that is larger than Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut, New Jersey and New Hampshire combined.

    Truly a no-brainer. Can we use this as a test for a brain?

  8. “I like Sarah Palin, but you have to admit she’s a horrible, stupid person and everything she does is wrong.”

    Yes, yes, we keep hearing this, and yet her polling numbers keep getting stronger. Well, maybe if the libs just keep saying this, while simultaneously telling us how incredibly wonderful president Obama is, people will eventually believe it. Hey, they can dream, can’t they?

  9. I think Sarah Palin must leave Alaska soon. Her hotness so close to the North Pole is melting the polar ice cap and threatening our very survival.

    If you love the earth and polar bears you will do everything you can to put her in the White House.

  10. Heh. KnitterChick has the hots for Paul Ryan. Hey, Knitter, I look just like him! Ok, somewhat older. Ok, a lot older. Ok, I used to have reddish-brown hair. Ok, I don’t look like him.


  11. Which one of the cave men is paul ryan?

    Palin reminds me of the hot chick that gets the geek do her homework for her so she can go “cheer” for the football team.

    Was chris matthews the towel boy for the football team, or just their homosexual pet?

  12. Random thought:
    So if Arizona border patrol agents have been instructed to “scare people” away I have the perfect method. Catch the illegals coming over the border and put them to work building that fence that no one says can be built. This way we’ll only have to pay for the materials. After all they are already “doing the jobs that American’s won’t do”. House them in camps, feed them government cheese and squash and when they’re done building the wall, hoist them over it. Finish with concertina wire and mines for about 1/2 a mile and there you go. Problem solved.

    Your welcome.

    And Jimmy, a cutie like you should never compare yourself to anyone. (I love your picture, I bet you were a joy to you folks)

  13. A Rabbi was on a journey when he came to a village of small, dwarf-like beings. The Rabbi asked, “Who are you little people?” They replied, “We are the Trids, and we are in desperate trouble! Will you please help us?” The Rabbi, a wise and kind man, said he would try.
    The Trids explained that their town was beset by a terrible troll who would chase and catch the Trids and then kick them off a cliff for his cruel amusement.
    The Rabbi said he would try to talk to the troll and persuade him to stop.
    So the Rabbi talked to the troll. He used every moral, ethical and spiritual argument he knew to try to persuade the troll to mend his ways and live in peace with the Trids, but the troll just shrugged his hairy shoulders and said, “Nope – I’m gonna keep on kicking those Trids off the cliff, ’cause that’s what I do with Trids!”
    In frustration, the Rabbi finally asked, “Well, why don’t you kick me off the cliff?”
    and the troll said,


    (then the Rabbi made a call to his cousin in the Israeli Special Forces who arranged to have the troll strafed to death in a daring night-time raid – ’cause that’s what you do with trolls.)

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