Because Every Problem Can Be Solved by a New Tax

A Berkeley city councilman is proposing an email tax to help the cash-poor United States Postal Service stay afloat.

Coming soon: a tax on cars to prop up the sagging buggy whip industry.


  1. Yes yes yes, tax this tax that I bet they’ll even tax a hat, if moves if it grows hell they’ll even tax your nose, yes yes, it’s done.oh wait they forgot to tax your all of you have a great day.

  2. The funny thing to me is, that idiot bureaucrat doesn’t realize his idea is a joke in so many ways without adding or parodying at all. And, as frogmouth pointed out, it has been for years!

  3. That particular issue actually has a Clear and Simple Cure. Stop the politicans from their exemptions from paying Postal Fees on their Mass Mailings. Make them pay their own postage and quit expecting us to pick up their slack.

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