A new study shows that a mere 12 minutes of exercise a week is “enough to stay fit”.
Good. I get that much just shaking my fists while watching MSNBC.
A new study shows that a mere 12 minutes of exercise a week is “enough to stay fit”.
Good. I get that much just shaking my fists while watching MSNBC.
and yelling. you need both aerobic and anaerobic action. gdft
Pitching the TV screen through the window counts as lifting weights, but the reps get kind of expensive.
You can watch MSNBC for 12 minutes? Man, that’s a lot. My personal best is about 4 minutes, then I start to throw stuff. Busting up the furniture is good exercise, but it scares the hell out of my dogs.
I’m beginning to think that the entire audience for MSNBC is actually conservatives who watch simply so they can think, “Geez those liberals are wacko!”
I can’t watch for more than 3 minutes at a stretch without the unshakeable conviction that my IQ is being lowered via some sort of “Stupidity Ray” that emanates from the mouths of the commentators.
How great would it be to have a stupidity ray that we could mount on a dinosaur?
Of course, everybody I would hit with it seems to have already felt its effects.
“I’m beginning to think that the entire audience for MSNBC is actually conservatives who watch simply so they can think, “Geez those liberals are wacko!””
Good point, arik. But the question is, when is our Congress going to level this Administration?
This study brought to you by some fat, lazy “scientists” who haven’t lifted anything heavier than a twinkie in thirty years. Miraculously, the study confirmed that they weren’t lazy bums after all.
I’m Really More Into Prancercise Bacon to jw!
Crap- I get 12 minutes of gut wrenching in a DAY, and i count that as exercise.
it takes me 12 minutes just warm up