Walter Sobchak Can Not Abide Libertarians

[High Praise! to The Naked Yahoo]

[ref 1,ref 2 (NSFW)]


  1. Shouldn’t that be John Goodman Can Not Abide Antinomians?

    Political Libertarianism is just good old fashioned Antinomianism and it is as old as the apple that Satan gave to Eve.

    The Nicolaitans were the Antinomians of the 1 century AD. The Libertarians are just the Antinomians of the modern age. Nicolaitans, Antinomians and Libertarians. There is no difference. Maybe that’s why the Church of Satan refers to itself as a Libertarian organization.

  2. Also, Carpenter, do you have your own Blog? Link it here in your comments. “Libertarian” is a pretty generic term that covers a wide array of policies. If you were a little bit more clear-cut about specific policies and why they’re wrong rather than just being “Libertarian==Heretic” then you’d be less of a troll. Right now all I’ve gleaned of your specific policy gripes is what’s behind Harvey’s favorite acronym and hence that you feel stopping a Ponzi scheme is theft. That’s …. interesting …. but arguably a valid opinion at least.

  3. Guys, leave the poor deluded character alone. It’s hard to be the voice crying in the wilderness when you’re irritating, off putting and down right delusional. People will listen to substantive arguments but the whole spawn of, church of, organization of the devil meme has become overused and frankly boring. Sort of like the “nazi” thing. Time to put up or shut up. If you have issues with specific things say so. Otherwise go scream in the dark some where else. Huffpo likes ad hominem attacks and they’d love someone who hates Libertarians and other religions so have fun.

  4. As a history major I thought I’d studied about religious issues back in the 1st century (as my professor was a former priest and PhD) but I had to look up Antinomian in the dictionary. It’s what thinking people do when they don’t understand something, you see. The definition was: a person who maintains that Christians are freed from the moral law by virtue of grace as set forth in the gospel.

    Now I have never met someone who believes in the Gospel who thinks this way. Even so called religious liberals don’t think this way. Painting a whole group of people with such a broad brush is frankly Anti-Christ like. After all nowhere in the Gospel does it say God is going to simply judge human beings by a representative sample. It will be done on a case by case basis. So if you’re going to lump all people together like that I might be tempted to counter that all evangelicals are delusional, hypocrites without the sense God gave a goose. (of course they aren’t but hey if you’re only going to judge a few than I guess the characterization is appropriate-which of course it isn’t because evangelicals like any other group have their “Joe Bidens”).

  5. @5 “Shouldn’t that be John Goodman Can Not Abide Antinomians?”

    The title, as written, is a simple allusion to a specific running gag at IMAO, and as such, should be at least vaguely amusing to regular readers.

    Your title is a gratuitous reference to something that no one has ever heard of. It possesses no humor value, and it’s not clever or even entertaining.

    We’re here for the entertainment. Join us on our quest or depart upon your own path.

    *cue theme from “Man of La Mancha”*

  6. this is so much fun!!

    Anyway at least your thinking about it. Libertarianism that is. I bet your even thinking that Libertarians are unelectable, which they are, especially on the National stage. And then there is the whole atheistic/pagan/partnership with evil/immorally relative side to Libertarianism which makes it socially unacceptable, which it is.

    Like I said previously at least your thinking about Libertarianism and I hope that you wonder why the Church of Satan is so enthralled with Libertarianism that it calls itself a Libertarian organization. That’s gotta make you wonder if your on the right path.

  7. damn, carpie, that is “…you’re…” BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM four times with the grammar hammer. sheesh. you need to buy an eighth grade grammar book.

    you are a very warped individual. seriously, you need to double up on the meds or get a new shrink, cause this one ain’t getting it.

    just remember Rev 21:8 old bean

  8. I bet your even thinking…

    Carpie might be talking about wagering on the even, steady, unflappable intellectual rumination so often engaged in by the herein gathered respondents…or, he’s stating his desire to wager the aforementioned ruminative skills on some manner of literary gamble.

    But I bet he isn’t.

    Even thinking, that is.

    Despite driving his Winnebago from town to town.

  9. Those Winnebagons are heathens, I tell you. The’re all part of the “freedom” movement, started by the Bedouins.

    Did you know most vampires prefer Winnebagos?

    On a positive note, they did give us those guys in parades wearing fezzes and riding tiny motorcycles, but on the whole, they’re just GDFTs. And if you’re not part of the solution, you truly are the SOTE.

    It’s all true. Just look it up — that is, if you’re not too busy feasting on the blood of mortals and destroying America.

    You’re watching Connections, with James Burqa.

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