Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
To prevent future vandalizing of historic landmarks, President Obama…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
To prevent future vandalizing of historic landmarks, President Obama…
closed them and posted military guards so only those who can prove their “love” of country can visit them.
Wait . . that’s not funny is it?
…did absolutely nothing
…declared them “street art zones” so instead of being called “vandalism” it would now be called “free speech” and subsidized by the NEA
…declared them “graffiti free zones”
Had them all painted green.
…played a round of golf.
…took another extravagant vacation.
…had very nice, expensive, opaque curtains installed at the White House so he could continue to ignore the problem.
…raised taxes
…gave another anti-gun speech
…focused on the economy
…referred to the problem as “another crisis manufactured by the Republicans”
is moving out of the White House …(20 January 2017, sigh).
… had them torn down an replaced with mosques.
…gave the vandal a job at the newly legalized Department of Government Propaganda
…initiated “Paint Control Laws”. This came as a surprise to the Wanger company which claims to lead the field in this matter.
To prevent future vandalizing of historic landmarks, President Obama…
destroyed history, for our own good.
decided to turn in his cans of spray paint.
… referred to it as “phony” vandalism.
…is selling them to the Chinese.
… will stay home at night.
…is moving them all to Detroit… no one wants to go there.
…built a giant wooden badger around each one.
…had Cristo cover them in fabric.
…said that it’s the monument’s duty to retreat if it feels threatened and therefore it’s own fault for getting vandalized.
…started to practice on Nancy Pelosi… If you can fix her face how hard can marble be?
To prevent future vandalizing of historic landmarks, President Obama…
laughed a maniacal little laugh and whispered, “I love it when a plan comes together.”
To prevent future vandalizing of historic landmarks, President Obama…
…had the landmarks torn down to make room for Acorn offices.
…had a law passed that made possession of more than 1 oz of paint would be considered “possession with intent to vandalize”.
…had the UN declare that July 26 will be known as “International Anti-Vandalism Day”.
… has warned the people of the future that the government is watching them now.
To prevent future vandalizing of historic landmarks, President Obama…
declared “Mission Accomplished” as he has already destroyed the greatest country on Earth all by bad assed self.
Had “Vandal Free Zone” signs put up at each monument.
…decommisioned all landmarks relating to other presidents.
has outlawed green paint
To prevent future vandalizing of historic landmarks, President Obama…
Gave a speech about how if he had a monument it would look like vandalism.
…asked the nutzo muslims if he can borrow the cannon used by Muslims to destroy Buddhists shrines and Hindu temples.
To prevent future vandalizing of historic landmarks, President Obama…
provides free birth control and abortions to everyone, no future generation, no future vandals.
@9 apostic
i thought it was wagner, but your link works
… is having all except the Lincoln Memorial removed. He has contracted to begin the Obama Memorial to be placed next to it,
declared any monument created by whitey to be racist and in need of multicultural modification. grant money will be available.
…stated that no one needed more than one paint can in this day and age and promised to enact programs where ‘painters’ would have to go through a registration process in order to purchase paint.
…created a new agency to handle the problem:
Committe to
Invincible to
…revoked Joey’s finger paint privileges.
…ordered the Department of the Interior to paint the words “DO NOT VANDALIZE” on all the monuments.
On the other hand, not a bad typo in the Weiner Era…
To prevent future vandalizing of historic landmarks, President Obama…
has redefined “landmark” to mean nothing, no more landmarks no more vandalism. “Whoopee Doopee! Me-um genius!!”
…said that if he had a Vandal it wouldn’t look like Joe Escalante. Had Joe Escalante taken outside and shot.
…had all landmarks replaced with Folgers Crystals.
…solved the problem by surrounding the MLK Memorial with troops and letting Whoopi Goldberg say that it ain’t vandalism-vandalism anywhere else.
…tweeted that all his thugs were gonna need a bigger jackboot.
To prevent future vandalizing of historic landmarks, President Obama…
came out of the closet as Gothic.
… said “Let me be clear acrylic.”
…sworn to bury us so deep in debt that we’ll never be able to climb out and vandalize anything every again.
To prevent future vandalizing of historic landmarks, President Obama…
Ordered today that all historic landmarks will be shipped to the 57th State and placed under around the clock guard by armed Corpsmen who only speak Austrian.
Triple score by Jeff in SD.
… said he would not tolerate anti-Yosemitic graffiti.
…signed an executive order instructing the NSA to leak the fact that he has hired PreCogs to arrest you before you vandalize it, then blamed snowden for telling us.
…tasked prism to search for the word “paint”, then programmed skynet to drone strike the offenders.
…apologized to muslims in case they would eventually be blamed.
…has ordered that all historic landmarks be transported to a national park on the moon. However, he neglected one important factor: Frank J.
…has promised to build walls around all historic landmarks at some point, but first, amnesty for all vandals!
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To prevent future vandalizing of historic landmarks, President Obama…
…is turning them all into homeless shelters for the IRS, NSA and State Department employees who will be fired for their part in their organization’s scandals.