Random Thoughts: No Thoughts, But a Mini-Rant on Gun Grabbers

I had no thoughts yesterday. I walked around aimless and in a stupor. Did you think anything?

Well, I did tweet this at David Frum:

I mean really, what was that? He’s linking to ThinkProgress to subtly call for the disarming of the populace? He used to call himself part of the conservative movement and now he’s a left-wing, extremist weirdo. Really, all the demagoguery about Newtown didn’t get people turning against freedom, and they think mentioning that police are too jumpy will do it? Do these people have any logic or connection to reality on this issue anymore? You lost. Freedom won. Give it up.


  1. Has to be a typo, I’m sure he meant to write “Criminals” as opposed to “Civilians”. Nice to know he still thinks the military can carry weapons though, very gracious to concede that.

  2. If no one used Bluetooth headsets to talk on the phone, it would be easier to spot the mentally ill so they get their medication and not have to be housed so they could go out and be productive members of society with an alarm set on their cell phones to take their medication properly and be asymptomatic.

  3. That cop in Texas didn’t appear to be very jumpy when he pulled over the not guilty of murder murderer and still legally armed civilian George Zimmerman, so where are these jumpy cops? 21 Jump Street?

  4. Gun ownership is such a basic and obvious right that the government should have to carry our guns around for us if we tell them to. Congratulations David Frum, just two more testicles and you will have an entire set.

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