The US Army wants to move from using robots as tools to having them be “a member of the squad”.
To be followed by Obama pushing to let them get married.
The US Army wants to move from using robots as tools to having them be “a member of the squad”.
To be followed by Obama pushing to let them get married.
“. . . When you stick your hand into a messy GUI that a minute ago was your best friend’s interface, you’ll know what to do!”
Obama’s military:
OK, I’ll start the resistance. Only those robots whose function it is to construct other robots should be allowed to marry. The others should not be given any tax breaks.
If robots ever get inserted into the chain of command, I foresee a serious violation of the Second Law. Then again, drones break the First Law all the time. It’s not nice to fool Dr. Asimov.
The Japanese sent a 13″ tall robot named Kirobo to the International Space Station to be a “companion” for one of the astronauts there.
Just what sort of kinky stuff are they getting up to up there? (and are there videos?)