A new report links teen killers and violent video games.
Still no evidence that playing “Madden NFL 13” turns people into pro football players, though.
A new report links teen killers and violent video games.
Still no evidence that playing “Madden NFL 13” turns people into pro football players, though.
Just to be clear, there is overwhelming evidence that prior to the introduction of “Violent” video games into American society there was no teenagers who committed violence and murder? None, zilch, nada. Is that true? Imagine that.
Nobody bothers to mention that fact that video games are damn near ubiquitous in American society. Don’t forget that some of the biggest franchises in video games are inherently violent (Call of Duty, Halo, Grand Theft Auto, etc.).If you put those facts together, then you might as well say that breathing while living in the United States, and being a teenager, are the biggest factors in teen violence.Correlation does NOT imply causation.
Reminds me of the recent study which correlated male childcare givers with smaller than normal testicles. Is it possible that it took real nads to refuse to participate?
What about the people who play violent video games to relax and unwind so they don’t commit acts of violence?
Nuking Politics posted about this for Frank J. here
Personally, I know I’m in the minority here, but I think playing violent video games to excess is not a good thing. I didn’t say it made people into killers. But there are so many REAL things to experience in the world, it seems a shame to be missing them.
Ok. Now I’m ready for the tongue lashing. 🙂
@5 – Yeah, there does come a time in a man’s life when he just needs to push himself back from the screen and walk out into the sunlight for a while, if only for the Vitamin D.
I also think it matters who the character in your game is. If you’re violently killing bad guys, that’s actually healthy. If you’re killing random innocent people in your game just because you can… probably not so healthy.
Me? I spend most of my screen time killing either invading aliens, insane robots, murderous criminals or demons from hell.
No need to thank me, saving the world is just what heroes do.
“Still no evidence that playing “Madden NFL 13″ turns people into pro football players, though.”
Really? Reread the sentence before that and then look at some NFL players. 🙂