
Boobs For BitcoinI don’t get the whole Bitcoin thing.

It’s fake money. There’s nothing to back it up. It’s valuable because people decided it was.

Wait. That’s no different than the currency in your wallet.

Hmm. Maybe it isn’t fake after all.

Or maybe the money we use everyday is fake.

So, what do you do with fake money?

Buy fake stuff, of course.

What’s the best fake stuff to buy?

Fake boobs, perhaps?

Seems that a place in Miami that accepts Bitcoins. What does this place, Vanity Cosmetic Surgery, do? Well, boob jobs among other things. Yes, fake money for fake boobs.

So, is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Well, that depends on whether or not fake boobs are good or bad. In and of themselves, boobs are great. Of course, I’m one that thinks that all parts of the female body are pretty great. I’ll not pass judgement on fake parts.

But, since Bitcoins can lead to bigger boobs, I’m not gonna pass judgement on that, either.

I don’t think accepting Bitcoin for boobs will bring Bitcoin the full acceptance it’s seeking. But accepting it in exchange for other parts, or use of those parts — renting them out, so to speak — will. And that day is coming soon.


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