Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Hillary’s new book will be called…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Hillary’s new book will be called…
…”I Didn’t Write This.”
…”The History Of My Enemies Six Feet Under.”
“Days of Whine and Roses”
…”Benghazi: It Came, I Drank, I Passed Out”
…”Waving the White Flag”
“Bimbos, Barack and Benghazi – My Greatest Battles”
… “It Takes a Vintage.”
“Whitewater Grafting for Fun and Profit”
“How To Be Secretary Of State For Dummies.”
“What Difference, At This Point, Does It Make?”
“I Was Baking Cookies Decades Before Anonymiss, And I’m At Least Still Around”
…”Does Anyone Remember Vince Foster?”
“My Husband Had Sexual Relations And I Abstained, Well Except Once”
…”Sir Edmund et al”
“Everything You Wanted To Know About Me*
*Except you’re now dead!
…I said I would handle it and Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was apprehended and jailed in less than a day
“How To Cover For Your Husband’s Affairs, Trade On His Name, and Still Be a Feminist Icon”
Tales From the Crypt
…out by Rush Limbaugh.
“They Don’t Call Me ‘Thunder Thighs’ For Nothing”
…”Release the Harridan”
…”Hair by Medusa”
… The Queen of Cankles
… I Confess-They did it
… My Precious
“You Can Take a Girl from Chicago, But You Can’t Take Chicago from the Girl”
… I Did It My Way
“Raising Lying To An Art Form: Move Over Barack!”
“It Takes a Pillage . .
(Touré’s a Child)”
“My Accomplishments.”
It’s a short read.
“Shaddup! I Ain’t No Ways Tired!”
@ Jimmy: I was just going to go after that same quote! +1 to you!!
… “To Kill A Mockingblogger.”
“Reneges and Ham.”
…”Zen and the Art of Whitewater Grafting”
…”To Make Money on Cattle Futures, Make Certain They Aren’t Wearing Cliven Bundy’s Brand”
“Live and Let Die”
“Mein Kampf-er-table Pantsuit.”
“HELP! I’m Still In Dept From My Last Campaign!”
Debt! :>)
…Forget Shatner and the Gnome…Book Now with Travelgate.
“The Chineseization Of America: 2016 And Beyond” by Hillary Chinkton
Through the seven ‘gates: From cocaine to Benghazi
Yay! I got moderated!
“Catch Her In The Rye.”
“Absolut [sic] Power”
“Old Yeller
“Murder on the Disoriented Express”
“The Feminine Mistake”
“Booty On The Bounty”
“Lez Miserables”
“It takes a village idiot”.
“Baby Got Back”
“See? The 90s Weren’t That Bad After All”
At This Point.
…Bedroom For Rent
Red Like Me
‘Dodging Shoes For Dummies’
“At Least I Don’t Play Golf”
…The Prince And The Pooper.
…Pulling Myself Up By My Own Bootlickers.
…Undeniable Truth #24, Now Worse Than A Sharp Stick In The Eye.
…a great work of fiction.
…”Hit that Reset Button One More Time”
…”Bedrooms and Broomsticks”
…”And Your Little Dog Toto Too”
Hillary care would have been so much better
I can fool you too!!
Just buy the durn thing.
“Ussjimmycarter Was A Double Agent!”
*Snicker* These are awesome! I wish I could judge this one…
… ‘Brilliant’ by liberal commentators who haven’t read it. Sorta like Obamacare, only it’s not likely to run 2000 pages, and it will cost much less.
2 A M is Too Damn Early
I knew that I shouldn’t have sent my answers by White House Mail!
If they wanted more troops, they should have paid for them.
I did find the culprits! They worked for the White House.
Stop Whining, I still have positions to fill in Benghazi!
Stop Whining-Cankles and Slick Willie are here to save you.
“The Illuminati and Me: one girl’s journey”
Mein Kampf