Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
The most important thing to remember during a visit from the Pope…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
The most important thing to remember during a visit from the Pope…
…is how to genuflect to a Marxist.
…is to say ‘Yes, your Holiness” while nodding your head no.
…is rest easy knowing that thr Catholic Church always comes out against national socialism.
…is that the Pope has become Obama’s useful idiot.
…how easy it is to decry air conditioning from your air conditioned car on your way to an air conditioned hotel room from your air conditioned palace.
…if Hussein al-Barack’s (peace be upon him) religion had a Pope, he would look like Francis
The most important thing to remember during a visit from the Pope…
gluten free communion wafers
they can predict neither the weather nor the climate.
white robes do not him a klansman make.
…is that his “security” impositions are just a passive/aggressive way to project his hatred for capitalism.
…is all your athiest cabinet belong to him if he’s preaching to the choir.
…jackboots shined and re-soled for the blessings you shall receive, in his honor.
…all the lies you’ve told, if your name is Pelosi.
…is nowadays he could decide to be a female pope, or equally miraculous, a Native American pope.
…is you’ll have to multi-task if you want to keep up with the Kardashians.
The most important thing to remember during a visit from the Pope…
…are the things he did not talk about.
…it’s acceptable to wear white after Labor Day.
…Infallible doesn’t mean ‘superb balance’.
…don’t show him any Planned Parenthood videos.
…is that while his followers are murdered by ISIS, he’ll only call on the US Congress to fight “climate change”.
…Popes, like Presidents, can be embarrassing.
…God has a sense of humor.
…is that ‘Catholicism’ is not necessarily the same as ‘Christianity.’
(Oh, stone me.)
…is that some sections of cities may seem deserted while the Pope is in town. This is due to everyone going to see the Pope; the resultant empty areas are called “Holy Ghost Towns”.
…. is when the communists finish taking over and fully ban all religions other than The Church of GLOBAL WARMING™!!!11!!, he’ll have to settle for Vice Pope until Pope Al drops dead.
Be sure to wash with youe Holy Pope Soap on a Rope.
…is that his travelling Pope-mobile is an Autobot called “Holy Roller”.
…no handshakes or fistbumps unless your name-tag reads, “Hi, my name is John Kerry”.
… is to keep your hand on your wallet at all times.
Re: Pretty much all of the above:
It’s “Your Holiness,” not “Yore Holiness.”
@22 He could say Yo Ho!
…make sure and buy some soap on a rope for his showers. (gotta watch yourself around those other Catholic priests)
@23 Walrus:
Shrive-er me timbers?
….is that he could be mistaken for a Klan Member by the Black Lives Matter crowd while hes out Pope-ing around.