Tuesday Night Open Thread

Old songs are the best. This one is a classic, spending six weeks at number one in 1942. A disco version of this Johnny Mercer song hit the Billboard Top 40, peaking at number 18 in 1976. No, I’m not making that up. But here’s the original, the good one.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Tuesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

IMAO Time Machine: ACLU: Remove Letter ‘t’ From Alphabet

This March 2005 post from Spacemonkey would could have been written almost word for word today. — The Editors

American Civil Liberties Union lawyers on behalf of atheist and non-Christian Americans are petitioning the Supreme Court in a new crusade. Emboldened by their success at removing the small gold cross from the County of Los Angeles seal. The group has rallied around the notion of removing the ‘cross looking’ letter from the English language in America since it bears resemblance to the familiar Christian symbol.

Alber Whie, an ACLU counsel who legally had the letter moved from his name earlier this month and doesn’t pronounce it either, speaks on behalf of the ACLU.

The American Civil Liber-ies Union feels i- is a viola-ion of sepera-ion of church and s-a-e -o con-inue -o include Chris-ian symbols in governmen-.

Our pe-i-ion is -ha- the le–er in ques-ion be s-ricken from all public names, places, governmen- buildings, and cons-i-u-ional ins-i-u-ions and replaced wi-h -he secular non religious dashmark. In o-her words ‘Montana’ would become ‘Mon-ana’, President becomes Presiden-, ‘Texas’ will s-ill be ‘Texas’ because i- has a capi-al ‘T’ and no- -he offensive lowercase varie-y.

Whie also asked that the media stop calling this effort a “crusade”, for what he said were “obvious reasons.” He added he felt a compromise could be possible if the lower case ‘t’ were simply flipped upside down.

Fake News from spacemonkey, brought to you by the letter ‘-‘.

Finally, a Joker Origin Story. Again.

So there’s this new movie out that I haven’t seen and probably won’t. But I know how you comic book nerds are, so I watched this video. And now you can too.

[The YouTube]

Oh, should I have said “Spoilers?” Whoops!

Straight Line of the Day: Years From Now, Space Force Veterans Will Gather Around and Reminisce About…

Straight Line of the Day: Years from now, Space Force veterans will gather around and reminisce about…

The Illustrated Walrus: Self Image

Created by walruskkkch:

Kneel Before Zog

Zog I

Did you know Albania had a king?

I mean, they don’t. But they did. They had a king. A king. One king. And that wasn’t really all that long ago.

Actually, it was, 1930s. Well, actually, 1928-1939. But that was less than 100 years ago, so not all that long.

Yes, Albania had a king. Zog I.

Really, his name was Zog I. There was never a Zog II, or an anything else, either. He was elected king — did you know you could get elected king? Well, Zog was, so it was possible it seems — and he served until Mussolini invaded Albania in 1939.

Why am I bringing him up? Well, today’s his birthday. How old is he? That’s easy. 65.

How is that possible? Well, he quit having birthdays in 1961 when he up and died, so he’s been stuck at 65 for a while. But he was born in 1895, if you care. Albania cared, apparently.

I’m just wondering why I never hears of Zog I before now. Maybe you’ve heard of him. If so, share your knowledge. That way I don’t have to look a bunch of stuff up.