Straight Line of the Day: The Vatican Has Launched a $110 “Click To Pray” Rosary. Other Religious Money-Making Ideas Include…

Straight Line of the Day: The Vatican has launched a $110 “Click To Pray” rosary. Other religious money-making ideas include…

Vatican Launches $110 “Click To Pray” Wearable Rosary
CNN | October 16, 2019 | Gabrielle Sorto

The Rosary is going mobile.

The Vatican announced the launch of the “Click to Pray eRosary” Wednesday.
The eRosary is an app-driven device that can be worn as a bracelet. To activate it, all you have to do is make the sign of the cross. . . .

Once activated, the wearer can choose between three different options to pray. There is the standard rosary, a contemplative rosary or a thematic rosary, which will be updated every year. The device shows the users progress throughout each prayer and keeps track of each rosary completed.

The interactive device is a push from the church to reach tech-savvy millennials and Gen Z.

It “serves as a tool for learning how to pray the rosary for peace in the world,” according to a news release from the Vatican.

The project — part of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network — brings together the best of the Church’s spiritual tradition and the latest advances of the technological world, the Vatican said.

The eRosary is available to buy now for $110.

For the record: I wish to remind everyone, now and again, that the “Straight Line of the Day” was the fun and creative brainchild of Harvey Olson, and should always be thought of that way! I was going to put a copyright-type symbol or icon on it, but he refused.


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