Saturday Night Hootenanny

Good, Good.

Submitted by Slapout:

Promoted Comment: Bob B Rocks The Cradle of Liberty


My taxes arrived just the other day
The government insisted that I had to pay
But there’s inflation now, and I have to say
We have to find us a better way

Talkin’ heads speaking nonsense, but before I spew
I say, “gotta try something new, guys,

We gotta do something new.”


Democrats in the White House with a senile loon,
VP Kamala hopes to take charge soon
Chickens come to roost, guys, I don’t know when,
But we’re in big trouble then…
You know we’ll have to pay big then.


Immigration exploded just the other day
They say “Borders are open, come on, let them stay,

They’ll assimilate later…” I said “Ain’t no way,

There’s too much to do”, they said “That’s okay”

And as they run from the border, they smile like a cat.

They say
“They’re gonna vote Democrat, yeah, you know they’re voting Democrat.”


Well we pay for their college now, we pay and pay
Demands never ceasing, I just have to say,
“I’ve got nothing left, can you give me a break?”
They shook their heads no, and continued to take
“What we’d really like now is to tax all your savings…”
“For the children, can we have them please?”


Democrats in the White House with a senile loon,
VP Kamala hopes to take charge soon
Chickens come to roost, guys, I don’t know when,
But we’re in big trouble then…
You know we’ll have to pay big then


I’ve long since retired, not much left put away
The tax man returned just the other day
He said, “I’d like an audit if you don’t mind”
I said, “Don’t matter ‘cause there’s nothing left to find.”
You see, progressives live to hassle, and it’s all they can do,
‘Til they’ve taken the last dime from you, guys,
In the end, they don’t have a clue…


And as I fade with the sunset, it occurs to me
They’ll screw the whole country
No more of Old Glory…

Democrats in the White House with a senile loon,
VP Kamala hopes to take charge soon
Chickens come to roost, guys, I don’t know when,
But we’re in big trouble then…
You know we’ll have to pay big then!


Person Attacks, Kills Innocent Victim: Media Breathlessly Awaits Race, Gender Identification, and Religious Affiliation of Perpetrator and Victim Before Reporting Further

Man Proclaims the Term “Hate Speech” To Be Hate Speech. . . Breaks Top 100 in This Year’s Irony Rankings

Jussie Smollett, Fact Checker, Moves Up One Notch

News Update: Not a Single “Left”ist Has Left This Country Even Though They Are All Free To Do So

Encouraged, even.

Oh, yeah, there was Roman Polanski, but . . .

Just Say Owens

Submitted by Slapout:

“Life” Magazine Aborted

“Time” Marches On

Pelosi Goes Hundred Racist Days Without Wearing Kente Scarf

Doesn’t Kneel in Front of Flag, Either

Homophobic Speaker Doesn’t Kiss Woman on Mouth

Sleeps With No Woman

Oh, Yeah, and the Vegans and Greta Are Pissed at Her, Too

World War III Breaks Out — Facebook and Twitter Censor Mentioning Enemies By Name

Would Violate Standards

Shots Fired

“Someone is definitely landing on our coasts, perhaps looking for a better way of life” the SoCal media giants admit, “but, as is the case with our southern border, it would be unfair and racist and, frankly, like Trump, to single out any ethnic minority, or historically deprived oppressed ethnic group, ideology, or gender(!) to blame.”

Vague president refers vaguely to vague measures to be put into practice, after some other vague parameters have been met.

Assigns VP Harris To Sort of Look Into It

Takeover of Territory Given Three Veni-cchios, Votes in Electoral College

“Well, ‘Autonomous Zones’ are nothing new,” say Seattle residents, “So why not for foreign enclaves? Is ‘enclaves’ even a correct term? Am I me? Are you you? Pooh!”

Straight Line of the Day: Democrats Will Celebrate the Fourth of July in the Usual Way: …

Straight Line of the Day: Democrats will celebrate the Fourth of July in the usual way: …

Welcome to IMAO! Not Much To Add To This

Not Just Spam . . . World-Class Tone-Deaf Spam

Received this today.

Which means they want a conference call on Sunday. The Fourth of July. In the morning.

Hey guys I am writing to see whether you would be interested in our Beauty Products and Cosmetics Shops Email List? Let me know whether you would like to jump on a quick call tomorrow morning? I look forward to speaking with you. Best wishes

Any takers?

I Would Drop a Dime on Them, But They Wouldn’t Get It

Submitted by Slapout: