Jennifer Answers: Plastic Explosives and He-Man
Frank Answers: The Breast Way to Get Ahead

Jennifer said that she loved Frank Answers™ and was wondering if a guest blogger could fill in while I’m busy. Be careful what you wish for. Maybe I’ll have some other guess bloggers help me out later.
Jennifer Answers
Red Mist, Certified Flight Instructor, Computer Support, Airsoft/Firearms Enthsiast, from Grand Forks, ND writes:
Why is C4 called “plastic explosives”? Or is it pronounced “pla-steek”? Doh,
that sounds like a French word. I mean, in the movies (haha) it always looks
like a silly puddy-like substance that can be molded into different shapes.
Plastic isn’t squishy like that! Why not call it “puddy explosives”?

Luckily, ordnance is my true area of expertise. First of all, you don’t
need to worry about C4 being some Frenchy firecracker…it is mostly made in
the good ol’ U.S. of A. Therefore it goes without saying that it is an
extremely powerful explosive. Another benefit is its remarkable stability,
so you don’t need to concern yourself that it will go off at an inopportune
moment. C4 is primarily a military explosive, requires a detonator, and has
a soft, dough-like texture. Best of all, a little bit will go a long
way–your wallet will like that!
But hey, you didn’t ask for a sales pitch here. You want to know why it’s
called “plastic” rather than “puddy” explosives. I assume you mean “putty,”
which will make my answer easier. Basically, you can blame Ralph Nader for
the whole thing. Back in the 60s there was concern that labeling explosives
with the word “putty” would confuse children. There they’d be at
Woolworth’s thinking a box of putty explosives was a whole ton of Silly
Putty fun. The next thing you know, there are kid-bits all over the place.
I call it “thinning the herd,” but Mr. Nader called it “dangerous.” So he
got on his consumer-protection high horse and raised a stink. Lawmakers
agreed, and we needed a nice, generic, not-fun word to use. “Plastic” it
hlh from Detroit, Delaware asks:
Why is it “He-Man and the Masters of the Universe”? Who are the Masters of the Universe, and why is He-Man excluded from sharing the umbrella of their title?
I never watched He-Man. It was the 80s and I had better things to do…like
watch MTV and tease my hair until it was a foot high. My brother was
Skeletor for Halloween one year, though, so I picked up a little bit.
I think you could say the Masters of the Universe were kind of He-Man’s
Cabinet. They included his sidekicks, allies, and girlfriend. To help you
understand this analogy, I will list some of the characters and their human
He-Man (He-Man) = President Bush
Teela (He-Man’s girlfriend) = Laura Bush
She-Ra (He-Man’s kick-ass sister)= Condi Rice
Orko (He-Man’s goofy sidekick) = Dick Cheney
Battle Cat (He-Man’s tiger, duh) = Donald Rumsfeld
Skeletor (He-Man’s nemesis) = Helen Thomas
I hope that was helpful. Like I said, I never watched that show.
Frank Answers
Susie from East Orange, Moldavia asks:
If I send you a picture of my breasts, can I skip the “short essay” part of the

I’d have to see the picture first (and it should be tastefully done) before I can answer that. But won’t you feel you’ve lost something by skipping the mental challenge of the Frank short answer question? You could always try both, anyway 🙂

Please keep the questions coming, <a href=”mailto:THISISSPAMTHISISSPAMace you’re from, I’ll randomly select one.


  1. Jennifer on Frank’s, that’s funny, the girl is everywhere.
    Hopefully, I have not understand everything, but perhaps a real shadow is better than a real light to make forgettable the girl.
    BTW, Jennifer, you make me hate America. Did you know that, now you do. I just have the demonstration to make, better not make, or somewhere else than your hell.
    Have you ever been told about heaven Mrs. Bomber. Susie is offering to show Frank her breast, you probably offered him your pants. You both make a nice couple. Keep on answering, or Nuke the Moon, as you propose to. You are paid for that, an’t you, little fidibri girl.
    By the way talking of French, you know your subject (Jennifer speaks French for making translation to her FBI boyfriend… haaaaaahaaaaa…. boyfriend. Ops). Too bad your sharped lives some blood, you could have passed through.
    The problem in here is that you are not shame, I wonder if everybody knows what that mean. Good luck then America, I will find some friends somewhere else friendly.
    And don’t worry Annika about the medication, I will swallow as ever, but you have signed your last orders.

  2. Jennifer on Frank’s, that’s funny, the girl is everywhere.
    Hopefully, I have not understand everything, but perhaps a real shadow is better than a real light to make forgettable the girl.
    BTW, Jennifer, you make me hate America. Did you know that, now you do. I just have the demonstration to make, better not make, or somewhere else than your hell.
    Have you ever been told about heaven Mrs. Bomber. Susie is offering to show Frank her breast, you probably offered him your pants. You both make a nice couple. Keep on answering, or Nuke the Moon, as you propose to. You are paid for that, an’t you, little fidibri girl.
    By the way talking of French, you know your subject (Jennifer speaks French for making translation to her FBI boyfriend… haaaaaahaaaaa…. boyfriend. Ops). Too bad your sharped lives some blood, you could have passed through.
    The problem in here is that you are not shame, I wonder if everybody knows what that mean. Good luck then America, I will find some friends somewhere else friendly.
    And don’t worry Annika about the medication, I will swallow as ever, but you have signed your last orders.

  3. Bestofme Symphony #8 !!

    The Best of Me Symphony is about to begin……the conductor steps to the podium…turns to the audience…a hush settles over the hall… announces that the program will consist of the following numbers which will all be Oldies But Goodies…and then…

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