Permalink contest winner Jarred Nicholls wonders if because someone is racist, does that mean you can violate all of his rights.
John Hawkins writes about why he became a conservative. I remember why I became one. I saw this guy who was really dumb, and I was like, “What are you?”
And he said, “I’m a liberal.”
“What’s the opposite of that?”
“A conservative.”
“Then that’s what I am.” And then I punched him.
True story.
Spoons dissects a really dumb article on guns.
Right We Are has the Carnival of the Vanities. It’s a big one this time.
Here is my man Blackfive on violence.
First Loser Harvey has some fan-fiction.
Sterile-Thunder has composed an anthem for our blog war.
Bill Whittle says he will have a new essay soon. It’s been so long, though, I forget who he is and why I would care.
I really like the new random polls on the sidebar. I keep hitting refresh, and I keep getting a new poll. As the polls are all “the most important decision of [my] life,” I would like to know if I have gotten all of them yet.
such a touching story!
To all whom bitched and complained…I mean…to all whom suggested a new color scheme for my website, I have created one. Please let me know if you like it or not, and then try re-reading my link for the day 🙂
Sheesh…Didn’t Know Everyone’s Eyes Were So Weak!
Well, based on some recent comments from people complaining about my color scheme, I’ve decided to re-think it. My personal opinion is that your eyes are too weak, because green is suppose to be the easiest color on the human…