Links of the Day

Permalink contest winner Jarred Nicholls wonders if because someone is racist, does that mean you can violate all of his rights.
John Hawkins writes about why he became a conservative. I remember why I became one. I saw this guy who was really dumb, and I was like, “What are you?”
And he said, “I’m a liberal.”
“What’s the opposite of that?”
“A conservative.”
“Then that’s what I am.” And then I punched him.
True story.
Spoons dissects a really dumb article on guns.
Right We Are has the Carnival of the Vanities. It’s a big one this time.
Here is my man Blackfive on violence.
First Loser Harvey has some fan-fiction.
Sterile-Thunder has composed an anthem for our blog war.
Bill Whittle says he will have a new essay soon. It’s been so long, though, I forget who he is and why I would care.

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  1. I really like the new random polls on the sidebar. I keep hitting refresh, and I keep getting a new poll. As the polls are all “the most important decision of [my] life,” I would like to know if I have gotten all of them yet.

  2. Sheesh…Didn’t Know Everyone’s Eyes Were So Weak!

    Well, based on some recent comments from people complaining about my color scheme, I’ve decided to re-think it. My personal opinion is that your eyes are too weak, because green is suppose to be the easiest color on the human…

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