Links of the Day

It already got an Instalanche, but it’s worth point to again. Spoons has the sort of story that makes me want to start an actual organization called the AAGO, Association of Angry Gun Owners (motto: “You may have your phony statistics, but we’re angry and have guns, so do as we say and no one gets hurt.”). In Chicago, they’ve jailed a homeless man for not keeping records of a legal gun sale to a police officer. Wow, with all those homeless people who lack filing cabinets off the streets, Chicago must be the safest city in the world.
Frank of on the Fritz reports on the death of a famous poet, while Fritz of on the Fritz has a flash movie of the next terrorist threat! One of these days I’m going to get around to learning how to make flash movies. So many ideas, so little time! Stupid, fulfilling job that leaves me no time for creativity…
John Hawkins talks about crazy old MEChA. I did some of my own investigation out of curiosity, and I’ll write more on the subject if I have some time.
Emperor Misha I takes on that idiot Depp so I don’t have to bother. Also, he finds evidence that Lileks is a blender just like White Glenn!
Annika gives her endorsement for governor and has a lot of red text in it.
The Carnival of the Vanities is up with lots of posts about the evil of White Glenn.
I don’t usually link to the big leaguers, but Derb must have put so much work into this parody and it shows. Plus, I heard from him in NRO’s the Corner that Sept. 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. I’ll have to remember that for my blogging. Arrr!
Finally, I have marching orders for all Alliance members. A clue to it is on my front page now.

No Comments

  1. “Chicago would be safer if we didn’t have all of these guns floating around.”
    – – -Safer from what? Are a lot of those Chicago killings being done by the sort of people who are likely to disarm if you ask them nicely?
    No? Then, what good will it do to take away other peoples guns?
    You know, the world would be a better place if it weren’t for diseases….
    ….but they exist, anyway, so you’re not exactly “striking a blow for a better world”, by refusing to get your measles shot.
    You’re a hippie, aren’t you?

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