More on Frank J. Fan Clubs

There are now two competing fan clubs (one two), and I think we should have a system so people can sign up (and then pad those signing up with dead people from Chicago). Then, I’ll send a taunting letter to Jonah about how I have a much better fans. Next, I’ll complete my column, and you can all help lobby NRO to print it. Then, we can have fan club party! Hooray!
Oh, and I just want to again remind my readers that I love each and every one of you. Have a great weekend, y’all.

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  1. Your random thoughts post, about Canadians, gave great comfort -we thought you weren’t thinking about us at all. BTW, with the amount of taxes we pay up here, where the f**k are our aircraft-carriers?

  2. sniff we love you too frank!
    btw, if we have a big fan club party, are you going to grace us with your presence? and will you host it? i can’t, my apartment is like 600 sq. ft. or something, and i’m a slob, so i’d have to hire someone or get my mom to come clean again.

  3. Party at my house in Dallas.
    You bring the beer, food, hotties and video games…
    I’ll bring the guns.
    Okay you can bring your guns too.
    If you find a frog on your way, we can have a pinata! Hooray!

  4. I wonder if Frank has thought this through all the way. Two competing fan clubs = two more blogs that, well, quite honestly, aren’t IMAO. No matter how much adulation they heap upon him, they’ll always be other places to go instead of his own blog. That makes them competitors, and you know how he feels about that sort of thing, folks.

  5. Wow, never been a member of a fan club before, now I have to choose which one to join? Okay, which fan club requires you to make your bones? (Or is that the Mafia? I get fan clubs and the mob mixed up.)

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