We Survive

The death toll is horrendous, but at 197 so far for New Orleans, it’s certainly not the 10,000 the liberals seemed to be hoping for. Is the 197 a premlinary number and expected to rise when they do get an actual count, though?
I’ve been praying my heart out on this one; hopefully there will be a lot more reuniting of loved ones in the end than I dare hoped. It’s weird to see “only” 426 dead for a disaster in America and feel relieved.


  1. The death toll is horrendous, but at 197 so far for New Orleans, it’s certainly not the 10,000 the liberals seemed to be hoping for.
    Although it wouldn’t surprise me, let’s wait until we see actual expressions of disappointment before we lob this mean-spirited smear at liberals. Those of us on the Right should not sink down to their level, even if they don’t hesitate.

  2. John,
    I’m sorry, but they chucked my benefit of the doubt out the window only a couple days into this disaster – and I’m one who usually (when being serious) tries think the best of other people’s motives on the other side of the political isle.
    Best I can say is I at least believe it’s a minority of Democrats who feel this disaster is nothing but a political opportunity.

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