I just read this from the New Criterion, it’s written by a Canadian conservative (yes, they exist). It’s a little long but is very good writing, and is extremely good thinking about the state of our world and western civilization’s coming collapse because the non-western world (you know the one) is out breeding us. It makes me almost feel sorry for those nonbreeding Europeans. Almost
The rest of us need to go ahead and buy all the guns, ammo and canned goods we can afford. And of course make all the red state babies we can.
Update: Taking Christianity, which nurtured western civ., to them would be a great plan also.
Update 2: Apparently the New Criterion is over their bandwidth budget for January. The google cache for the article is here
Ht to Right Wing Testimonial for the link to the cache.
Update 3: Now Steyn’s article is on OpinionJournal (thanks Grepon), and it looks way better than the cache. And it’s still in English instead of Farsi! For a limited time.
What a fantastic article! It’s always reassuring to find people outside the US with at least half a brain and some common sense. Makes you think that maybe, just maybe, some of the other parts of the world will come around someday. Especially refreshing to see it in Canada.
I concur. Long article, but vital info.
Long story short – Frankj, Jr. needs lots of siblings. And cousins.
Ehm, correct me if I’m mistaken, but I believe Mark Steyn is from New Hampshire…
Hooray for red state baby makin’! And that other stuff you said too…
“The rest of us need to go ahead and buy all the guns, ammo and canned goods we can afford. And of course make all the red state babies we can.”
Perhaps. Or perhaps we Christians need to get off of our collective duffs and practice the great commission. It was Christianity, after all, that created the great European democracies which the secularists then inherited and proceeded to abuse.
Jon, good point.
What happened to all the Catholics!?
Here’s a novel idea.
Let’s stop killing babies.
I am doing my part (five kids).
Well, Mark Steyn is a Canadian by birth (and, I think, citizenship). However, he lives in New Hampshire and shares him time among NH, London and Montreal.
Proof that we Canadians are not all self-loathing socialists.
Our sixth is due in March. We’re Catholic but finding many that mean it is rare.
Frank H – your opinions will not adjust to the truth. scroll down
The insurgents target children and you blame us for their deaths. Perhaps the United States should get out of America, too.
Will make babies eventually; first got bills to pay. Planning on getting a dog this year, though.
Great Article.
Sorry very off topic ..
but have y’all seen this
The real truth behind the “honeymoon” (pun intended)
Sorry link didn’t work just cut and paste.
Anyone who liked that article ought to tune into steynonline.com, daily! This guy is a fount, if not quite a fountainhead, of gold plated silver tipped idiotiarian hunting ammo. He’s hardly published in U.S. newpapers but has columns all over hell in the anglosphere. Witty, funny, 1st class anti-idiotarian. The article referenced is a pretty good compendium of things Steyn has been saying, very well, over the last years in his regular articles. So good I printed it to stick in my copy of Steyn’s “Face of the Tiger”, required post-911 reading for idiotarian hunters.
I tried to click the link and it says account suspended.
Pregnant with #5 here. Doing my part to raise red-state babies! And I’m not even Catholic.
Calm down McWert, I don’t think Frank H. was refering to Iraqi babies, I think he was refering to red state babies… unfortunately, the ones you save probably wouldn’t be voting RED…
ummm… did I say that??
Don’t forget to add toilet paper to the things to buy list. It will be the coin of the realm after it hits the fan.
Account suspended.
Maybe the FrankJalanche used up the guy’s bandwidth for the day/week.
I am an Evangelical Christian and am doing my part to save the free world. I have four children, five grandchildren and one great grandchild.
As the patriarch of my family I am making sure they all grow up to be loyal, conservative, pro-life, Christians.
My wife has 14 brothers and sisters. I’ve gotten to most of them too. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, November 2006 is coming.
Crud, I really wanted to show that to my readers. I’m gonna try for a google cache.
Here’s the google cache:
Hey McWert Deglieb,
In Frank H’s defense, I believe he was referring to the abortion of babies, not that American military members are killing them.
…The rest of us need to go ahead and buy all the guns, ammo and canned goods we can afford….
Way ahead of you, RWD. Way ahead.
Got the three chillun’s, too. No more though. We’re done, and too old at this point.
Now it’s on Opinion Journal, here