Hillary’s Pastor

Apparently, Hillary’s Pastor approves of Jeremiah Wright, which bring the odd question of, “Hillary has a pastor?”
That’s an odd concept? What does he preach about? How Jesus was too dismissive of Satan’s reasonable offer of power and wealth? I just assumed that, unless a church was constantly carping on God for being too intolerant and bigoted, Hillary would storm out of there in protest.
Then again, as I’ve said before, I just have trouble wrapping my head around the concept of liberal Christians. I’ve heard some liberals argue that Jesus is a liberal, but if that’s true, then why do liberals hate Him and His teachings so much?


  1. Yes, Hillary has a pastor. He even makes house calls like the priest in “The Exorcist” – except Hillary’s hasn’t been as successful. Still, he goes to see her at home every week. He has to – the last time she went to church she burst into flames and set a deacon on fire.

  2. At Liberal churches, the only sin is self-righteousness — which is contrasted with the holy perfection of the flock, who would never judge (unlike those evil self-righteous right-wingers). There is no one more self-righteous than the person who alleges self-righteousness in others.
    At liberal churches, the message is that if you get the government to do good things, and point out how evil conservatives are, it doesn’t matter what you do yourself. It’s not what you do, or what you say, but what you say others should do that matters.

  3. I knew a Jesus when I was growing up in NYC. He was a puerto rican dude that sold weed as “desert” from his hotdog cart. Could this be the same jesus the libs talk about?

  4. At one time liberal was what conservatives are today and conservatives were old and unchanging, like the pharisees. Now Liberal is whining and wanting everything for free and the conservatives are the old time liberals. Unfortunately EVERYTHING has shifted left a bit from the old times.

  5. Apparently, Hillary’s Pastor approves of Jeremiah Wright, which bring the odd question of, “Hillary has a pastor?”
    Those black masses don’t perform themselves, Frank.
    Ok, that was cheap. I’m not proud of that one. Maybe a little.

  6. There is almost no way to comment about religion without insulting someone, so, I for one just won’t do it.
    But I knew Jesus, TerribleTroy, I went served with Jesus, and trust me, you’re no Jesus.
    Bob would you pass the salt?

  7. What does he preach about?
    I suspect that his favorite text is “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s”, which he interprets as “give the government all your money and full control over your life.” That accords with Hillary’s beliefs.

  8. Socrates, tit’s because I’ve become a Democrat and I now believe in the god of multiculturalism, and if you can’t handle that, then you must be a narrow-minded proponent of absolute moral authority or something, which I reject, categorically, because, everything is relative – in an abolute sort of way – which means there’s no room for people like you. Absolutely, no room. Our strength can only come from our pluralistic differences, except yours. You’re Greek and the Greeks believe in many gods. There’s no room for that kind of tolerance, ah… Well, I mean, you need to be more open-minded a2345 aset 2350 sdgf235

  9. Ok, so if Hillary walks into the church…and that’s a BIG if!
    Does the bible lift off the altar and hover overhead to confront her as she walks down the isle throwing lightning bolts at her? That would be awesome! When the pastor reads the Gospel, does Hillary lift out of the pew and throw up green pea soup while her head spins a full 360? When communion is distributed, and they hand Hillary the wafer, does it burn to ashes in her palm or does it fly out of her hand back into the tray? Does the wine turn back into water as she drinks it? How many pastors has her church had in the last 20 years and what happened to the previous ones and what sermons did they preach before leaving the church?

  10. No, she floats in, ussjc, on a bed of thorns with thighs flailing. She announces her presence with a series of Satanic cackles as she glides up the isle. The spirits of all the children she’s consumed trail behind her in blood-stained robes. Lights go out leaving but an ominous red glow. Finally, the giant pipe organ sounds all of its 1440 pipes simultaneously, thereby trumpeting Satan to battle God himself – with Hillary as POTUS and referee.

  11. Here it is folks even members of the MSM can see it. This is how this man is described, “a little-known Arkansas preacher who is the closest Senator Clinton has to a pastor of her own.
    The closest thing. What does that mean exactly? It means the woman doesn’t go to church, isn’t a believer and unlike 69% of people in the country doesn’t practice a religion.
    Except politics and she doesn’t have to practice anymore, she’s pretty well got it down to a science. Lie, cheat, steal, bribe, all she needs is some fornication and she’s there.

  12. #15 seanmahair: “…all she needs is some fornication and she’s there.”
    No. Don’t go there. Reminds me of a radio commercial. I’m having enough trouble digesting my lunch as it is.

  13. Yeah, I’ve heard the “Jesus was a liberal” stuff, too. “Render unto Caesar” was His answer to that claptrap – He was a “God” Guy, not a “Caesar” Guy.
    My difficulty with them is this: Jesus was interested in the individual heart, not in collective action. He wanted His followers to PERSONALLY act in love & compassion, not to hire people to do it for them. The notion that God loves a cheerful giver argues against there being value to compelling someone to “give.”

  14. Oh, hey, no harm done, seanmomsirishflower. I was just worried about where you could go with that. But you’re right, THAT aspect of her corruption seems to be missing – or well hidden. Maybe that’s a sign of some underlying morality, albeit unrelated to anything else.
    In other news, I cut my 1.1 acres of grass!! Woo hoo. And I get a steak sammich reward from myself.

  15. And for our friend SP, we might ask if Jesus was a pacifist and would not be against carrying guns…why when he was arrested in the Garden did Peter whip out his sword and cut off the soldiers ear? Why was Peter carrying a sword in the first place? If all the people in the world at the time would just have not carried swords there would not have been any problems! Peter sat and learned at Jesus feet for 3 years. Don’t you think Jesus (The Son of God) might have suggested to Peter that he stop carrying a sword if it bothered him!

  16. ussjimmy[name to be blotted from presidental history] is mostly right pointing out that peter was a proponent of concealed carry laws…
    but we actually have record of Christ Himself picking up a weapon and using it on people. go read about the time He cleaned out the temple courtyard. most people are afraid of that Jesus…

  17. “Then again, as I’ve said before, I just have trouble wrapping my head around the concept of liberal Christians. I’ve heard some liberals argue that Jesus is a liberal, but if that’s true, then why do liberals hate Him and His teachings so much?”
    I’m still boggled that people would get up early on Sunday morning if they don’t actually BELIEVE ANYTHING. I can stay home and internalize the message of omnitolerance and be-niceness. Why drive across town? I guess that explains why the Episcopalians have lost 40% of their members in 40 years, and other mainline denominations are down by at least a third. . .

  18. Well, I don’t know if she has a pastor or not. If you read the article he was only her pastor from 1990-1992, he’s retired, he was pastor of a church in Little Rock, and she hasn’t darkened the doors since she got on her broom and flew off to Washington DC to put the fear of Hillary into the Democrats there.

  19. What Would Jesus Do? Jesus Would Ride! Rev.19:11
    I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war.
    Saddle up, pardner!

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