Now Look Into the Camera and Cry

For some reason, this reminds me of those “spontaneously grieving” Cindy Sheehan shots.
Here we have two pictures of the same event, probably taken moments apart. The Detroit News on top, and the AP on the bottom. Who knows HOW many photogs were there altogether. Yet we’re supposed to buy the sincerity of Marilyn Pace’s tear-wiping?:
obama girl det press.jpg
obama girl - AP.jpg
Anyway, comparing the two pictures, I find myself pondering a few items:
* Why is AP Obama green?
* Is it just me, or did the AP fix the girl’s makeup and give her a tan?
* Soft focus background? I thought that was just for 40’s film noir?
* What’s up with Quasimobama’s Hunchback of Illinois look?
Anything troubling YOU about these shots?
Barack sure is lucky that a Muslim girl just happened to be in the neighborhood when it came time to stage THIS delightfully multicultural slice of Kumbaya diversity:
Detroit News:
obama muslim girl det press.jpg
obama muslim girl AP.jpg
Which is in odd contrast to this story about him not wanting to be photographed with Muslim women wearing headscarves.
Maybe it’s more of a “no fat chicks” thing?