How the AP sees Bill Ayers:
How Bill Ayers really looks:
The AP’s Douglass K. Daniel wrote that GOP vice-presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin made comments that “carried a racially tinged subtext” when she said that Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama “palled around with terrorists.”
Gov. Palin brought out the fact that Obama is buddies with a terrorist. The AP said that comment is racially charged. I guess the fact that the terrorist is White is completely lost on the media.
It’s not racist, it’s culturalist. We live in a culture where palling around with unrepentant, American hating terrorists is not something we look for in a President of America. We prefer guys (or gals) who actually like the country they want to lead. Call us crazy or old fashion, but we figure that guys who don’t like us too much, ain’t got our best interest at heart. You ain’t got our best interest at heart, we ain’t gonna vote for you being Prez.
Now bringing up Rev. Wright is racist. That man hates white folk like Nazis hate Jews. It is a hatred based on a bunch of wild conspiracy theory, and the melanin in other people’s skin. Most folks don’t care if it is the original klan, or the klan with the tan, we know it is wrong. And will reject it.
Get right outta town! Ayers is white?!?!?!? Sarah is racist against white people?!?!?!? Oh this changes everything! *rolling eyes* I was at that rally yesterday, and she kicked @ss!!! She was awesome, and the crowd adored her, myself included! I want a VP like her and a POTUS like McCain, who love their country too much to associate with those who seek to destroy it, and those who “did not bomb enough”. I don’t give a crap that Obama was 8 when those bombings happened, Ayers is still the same guy with the same….what would you call them….values?
I prefer to think of my self as an ‘____ist’. I know liberals are going to slap a label on me at some point, so, I might as well accept it and make it easier for them.
I kinda feel sorry for all the poor suckers who are going to put the Messiah in office, and come to find out that their pidgeon has feet of clay and he will totally destroy this country. I hope FrankJ. has a downpayment on an island we can all move to. I don’t want to stay around and be forced to drink the koolaid!!!!
Palin is doing something and leveling brilliant attacks that Obama can’t defend. I bet the polls flip by this time next week. Obama’s lead in the polls is doomed thanks to Palin’s continuous assaults.
Um you guys it was a METAPHOR. The point is “so” call “terrists” are LIKE BLACKS in that both are suppressed/misunderstood.
Um you guys it was a STUPID! The point is terrorists are like terrorists They come in all kinds of colors including Bill Ayers! Idiot!
I dunno that obama’s lead is doomed but Ill watch in see. I happy cause both sides say they will fight globam warming unlike president bush. i think obama wins and does a great job for the usa! i wouldnt worry too much. obama doesnt seem like a terrorist at all rly. if he is one then he sure is a sneaky fella.
Benji: Summer causes global warming.
What a shock…..Obama bots can’t spell.
obammmmmyyyyy, how i love ya, how i love ya
my dear obammyyyyy
that’s been in my head for months, but never a chance to use it without being called a racist — so there
Every time benji mentions globull warming or the acidity of the oceans I’m going to pour 1 cup of old battery acid into the storm drain next to my house. Heh.
About that photo of Billy Ayres…
As a photographer, I’ve really got to hand it to the photog that took that one. I never thought that anyone could make that SOB look good. Well…actually he doesn’t…but the rest of the photo is…esthetically pleasing.
dont do it 4 of 7. u just got battery acid around u place? i just trying to spread mesage of oceans getting more acidy. you dont need to be pouring acid in ground because of that. u trying to ruin our world 4 of 7 🙁
GeeSus ….. Zero-Bama should be thanking his lucky-charms that he’s not running against her! For the love of christmas I wish it was Palin – McCain. …….BETTER YET …… Palin | Jindall with a coin flip to see who heads the ticket !
Is IRAQWARWRONG talking in ebonics ? I can’t quite translate the jibber jabber.
Never let the facts influence your rant-Liberal axiom.
Refer to him as: “Timothy McVeigh wannabe William Ayers.” Makes the concept much more real to younger people. Turns the racism argument on its head.
Just because Ayers was more inept than McVeigh does not make him a better person.
Or it could be that Obama poops Unicorn food.
[Edited to conform to PG rating]
Don’t worry Benji, I just poured a cup of sodium hydroxide down my storm drain, so we should be ok. If you’re really worried about the acidity of the oceans, you could buy a WHOLE bunch of it and pour it down your storm drain. Poof! Problem solved. Now that we’ve solved the environmental issue, could we spend a bit of time worrying about the economy again?
Darn it Cadet Happy, you made me go and watch that and now I am gonna be singing it for the next month!!! You suppose I should sing it when I go to the polls and vote?? Nah, I’d probably get kicked out for singing off key, Specially in my town, it’s 95% conservative!!
Only a racist cracker would notice My enduring love for America-hating terrorists and my official Al Qaeda membership card.
Uhh…forget that last part. RACIST!!!
Hah! Even funnier…the left wing MSM is trying to counter the fact that Ayers used to be a domestic terrorist by the fact that he’s now a University professor. Don’t they get that all the old terrorists are now University professors? They’ve just traded bombs for polluting the minds of our youth.
Rubeus…get used to it. In the mind of a liberal, if you’re not an Obamabot, it must mean you’re the Imperial Wizard of the KKK.
Cadet…thanks for putting that jingle in my head…now I won’t be able to get rid of it for months!
George Bush has been in office for 7 1/2 years. The first six the economy was fine.
A little over one year ago:
1) Consumer confidence stood at a 2 1/2 year high;
2) Regular gasoline sold for $2.19 a gallon;
3) the unemployment rate was 4.5%.
4) the DOW JONES hit a record high–14,000 +
5) American’s were buying new cars,taking cruises, vacations overseas, living large!…
But American’s wanted ‘CHANGE’! So, in 2006 they voted in a Democratic Congress and yes–we got ‘CHANGE’ all right. In the PAST YEAR:
1) Consumer confidence has plummeted;
2) Gasoline is now over $4 a gallon & climbing!;
3) Unemployment is up to 5.5% (a 10% increase);
4) Americans have seen their home equity drop by $12 TRILLION DOLLARS and p rices still dropping;
5) 1% of American homes are in foreclosure.
6) as I write, THE DOW is probing another low~~
Thank you for the concise post Nobama. Too bad the professionals in the Drive by Media can’t do their job. I guess we’ll have to do it for them. With folks like you out there, we’re in good hands.
Ayers is doing far more damage as a University professor than he ever did as a terrorist bomber in the ’70’s! He’s teaching young idiots who have been indoctrinated by the NEA since they were 5 years old and teaching them more tripe that they now gladly swallow having been taught that critical thinking is not allowed for the good of the collective… When I was in school and a teacher told us something we told the teacher to “get bent” and to provide proof! Now these dolts just bend over and let these lefties shove it up their keister…amazing!
Actually, I think that by calling Ayers a “terrorist”, Palin is missing the point. Ayers is NOT a terrorist anymore. That ship sailed. Now he’s an EXTREME left-wing wacko.
Personally, I’d buy stock in a company that makes caps with hammers and sickles on them while you can still buy stock.
And Benji — failure to be amusing in the discourse means that I’ll be tempted to find a baby seal and go clubbing with it.
NoBama Good summary
BTW 4.5% to 5.5% in the unemployment rate is actually a 22% increase.
Is being a racist a bad thing?
I kinda feel sorry for all the poor suckers who are going to put the Messiah in office, and come to find out that their pidgeon has feet of clay and he will totally destroy this country.
I don’t feel sorry for them at all, #4; if they are stupid enough to elect an America-hating racist with zero resume or accomplishments, they deserve what they get. But hey, they’ll probably spin it to Barry’s favor. After all, when has any Liberal EVER admitted they were wrong?
Me? If Obama wins I’m outta here for a bunker in an undisclosed location. I’ll prefer to remember America as she once was, not what she’s become.
Benji, Of course I’ve got battery acid.
Gallons of it.
And I don’t pour it into the ground, I pour it into the storm drain where it runs down to the river which runs into the ocean.
If you don’t want that to happen you know what you have to do!
And I’m not ruining ‘our’ world, just yours. Heh.
It never ceases to amaze me how people will make up all manners of distorted truths in the name of politics. I’m sick of it. Liberals… conservatives… phooey. You are all ruining this country. Trouble is, the guy with the most toys wins… and that’s always the crankiest, most narcissistic, FU and the horse you rode in on, I believe in survival of the fittest but not evolution, if you can’t pull yourself up by your bootstraps don’t come crying to me, quality of life is a priveledge not a right, money is good, poor people suck, blacks complain too much – what more do they want, women should be seen and not heard, are you talkin’ to me, if you don’t agree with me you must be a stupid liberal… neanderthals you’ll find anywhere.
So I’ve resigned to be miserable for the rest of my life, and hate everybody and every thing… and impotently wish everyone, especially conservative penis heads, would eat fesces and live long enough to have even the remotest appreciation for my misery.
F U you all suck.
I am Not a neanderthal!
First Obama claims that over a TWENTY YEAR period, he never heard a single anti-American racist sermon from Jeremiah Wright … never noticed the anti-American racist literature in the church’s lobby … never agreed to the ‘Black Values System’ that all the church members swore to … never subscribed to the Marxist ‘Black Separation Theology’ espoused on the church’s website … never knew anti-American racist Louis Farrakhan, who the church awarded a life time achievement award to … and, never knew unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, when Obama launched his campaign from Ayer’s living room, sat on a board together, and whose wives worked at the same law firm
. Obama also worked with Acorn, who has been caught in massive voter fraud, in behalf of Obama. Obama obviously shares an anti-American racist, and criminal philosophy with some very unsavory people, continues to lie about it, and does not have the character, or integrity to be President of the United States of America !!!