New website feature . . .

The primary reason that Frank switched over to WordPress, other than the fact I told him too and he is an obediant dog, is that WordPress has customizable emoticons. Most people know that I HEART emoticons. Unfortunately, I’m not smart enough to figure out how to enable them on my own blog, but Basil has been kind enough too do so on this website. Thanks Basil!

“:)” šŸ™‚

“:D” šŸ˜€

“:mad:” šŸ˜”

“:lol:” šŸ˜†

“:cry:” šŸ˜„

“:mrgreen:” :mrgreen:

ā€œ:pā€ or ā€œ:razz:” šŸ˜›

I here there are more too come.


  1. So, SarahK, do you really laugh like that?

    And what about these:


    And all possible variations?

    [Ed. There’s only so much time per day I can stand looking at Frank’s face, so it might take awhile to do all the variations]

  2. Crap.

    Does anyone here know how to post images?

    [Ed. — you may have to be logged in as an administrator — I’m not quite sure — I think its pretty safe for well known people to post pics, though you can imagine the abuse if EVERYONE could — I’ll poke around and see — i am a stranger in this land they call WordPress]

  3. Sarah, What the heck are you doing here? Do you realize how many of us are waiting for “the rest of the story” in Mountaineer Musings?????

    [Ed. — Well, you know it will just end with me crying and stuff, so you pretty much can just imagine the rest of it yourself. Just tag this on to the end: “blah . . . blah . . . blah . . , Frank/Minerva/Bikermommy/Rowdi cheered me up . . . Bob’s your uncle.” sarahk]

  4. “I also canā€™t believe any of you would think that I canā€™t determine to/too/two, hear/here, and theyā€™re/there/their.” -SarahK

    No, of course not. You are simply suffering from the same malady your hubby does when he can’t spell/use grammar correctly. I forget what he named it, but I’m sure if you look it up on the interwebs it will be right there with the rest of your sicknesses.

    All you need do is find the next Dr. Wonderful to recognize how awesome you are at diagnosing yourself through Google and you will be cured in no time!

  5. Oh dear God. I either gonna barf or cry or possibly barf and cry. And then barf some more. It’s like you’ve invented a motif that somehow combines satanic ritual, boobah, bellicose symbols of neurological disorder rising up from the subconcious to assume their place in the real world as a horrible new form of life, and the seventeenth century pastoral ideal.

    The Lol emote looks like it is saying “fah fah fah fah fah fah…” over and over again because it is crazy.

    For some reason these emoticons make me want to punch out the guys in “They Might Be Giants.” This is all their fault somehow.

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