In Obama America…

…taxes cut YOU!


  1. I can’t wait for the seas to start receding. It’s been keeping me up nights, even at 4900 feet in the middle of a sizable continent.

    Yesterday I did notice an increase in the volume of the birds singing, and the world had taken on a kind of ethereal shimmer. But that might have been the hangover. Not sure yet.

  2. Sounds like you got Obomba’d, PaleoMedic. Here in the Northwest, we re-elected the Obama Girl as governor and thus we’re gearing up for the season’s first “Pineapple Express” (endless rain) direct from Obama’s home state of Hawaii.

  3. A friend from Georgia used to whip out a fish-gutting knife and (kinda) joke, “If… [insert unusual event here] … happens, I’ll cut cha!!”

    He was big and powerful and I was never 100 percent sure that he wouldn’t do it. But being big and powerful meant he never really had to.

    Obamuhamad, however, is not big. And he craves power like his followers crave crack. It follows that he will resort to using taxes, censorship, discrimination, unconditional chats, wealth redistribution, and the blowing up of churches and ammo as his own little girly-man’s fish-gutting knife.

    The new mantra? “Cut and gut.”

  4. Do you think if we were about to inaugurate the first female Vice President we would be reacting like the Democrats? Sadly, no. We would probably still be cleaning up broken glass and towing the overturned, burned cars from election eve. Fortunately we don’t behave like spoiled children throwing violent temper tantrums when we don’t get what we want.
    I reject the Democrats premise that I should be happy simply because a black man has been elected President. I would feel exactly the same if Gore, Kerry or Clinton were elected. I do wish him the best, and I will support him until he no longer earns my support.

  5. George guy says:

    November 6th, 2008 at 1:19 pm
    Obama’s not going to stay President of the US. Every office he’s been elected to has just been a stepping stone for him on his way to higher office.

    In 2010 he’s going to run for President of Earth.

    Don’t laugh He might just try to do it!!!!

  6. 42 months. the antichrist rules for 42 months. 48 months in a presidental term of office.
    48-42=6. Biden said something wierd would happen within the first 6 months of Ali Bama’s 1st term which would ‘test’ him. Hmmm… Stay tuned! Film at 11!

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