Point of Order

So, is it now illegal to think there is anything wrong with homosexuality and to now want to promote it?

I’m not complaining… I’m just asking!


  1. It’s not illegal to think it’s wrong, yet. It’s simply illegal to run a business in a manner your God would approve of. You would think the ACLU would be all over this, the government denying a private citizen the expression of his religious views.

    Let’s hold our breath until they do.

  2. If only…IF ONLY…the ACLU would actually impartially apply its standards to all parties. But, alas, we all realize that before they deviated from their leftist agenda, they would commit seppuku (or, rather, the pissant form of seppuku where they got somebody else to chop off their head). But I would like to see eHarmony fight this. There is no way that the government should be controlling the goods and services provided by a private company…

    Oh, wait…welcome to the USSA.

  3. Waddup IMAO community. If you want to listen to a sing-along mockery of Obama, check out “Hope Makes the Terrorists Dead” at http://www.patriotmusiconline.com.

    Ok, so this is pretty shameless. But if you 1)are conservative, and 2)enjoy making fun of liberals, then trust me, this click will be worth your while!

    Someone tell Frank that he should do a review of my album on this site!! Here are the topics of my tracks:

    1) Hope Makes the Terrorists Dead – makes fun of Obama
    2) Patriot Song – Kind of a middle finger’ish song to Obama (but a respectful middle finger, if that makes sense)
    3) Gipper – An epic piano ballad about Commies, Reagan, Rocky IV and Red Dawn.
    4) All I Want for Christmas – This pop-punk song’s chorus? “All i want for Christmas…Is a bunker-buster rainin’ fire on his nuclear sites (as in, Achmadinijad’s).” Pretty funny tune.
    5) Under the Bus- Still frustrated about Obama’s connections with Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright? This song is your prescribed therapy.
    6) Outta Control! – This song is about activist judges rewriting the Constitution. “They’re gonna come for the guns in your name….And teach you all ’bout eminent domain…”
    7) That Day – A grim promise, nay, and oath- written in the wake of 9/11.

    Ok, so I’m a capitalist. Aren’t we all? Visit http://www.patriotmusiconline.com, check out the 1st two singles! And get Frank to post a review on this site. G. Gordon Liddy had me on his show last week- he spun “Hope” and then interviewed me. I’m trying to really get these pop-rock tunes out there- making $ would be nice, but even better would be having the whole country bopping their head to Liberal Mockeries.

  4. SNL had a parody of this called “He-harmony” some time ago.

    Chemisty.com build their entire business model on “rejected by eHarmony” because it’s for people who WANT TO GET MARRIED, not randomly pound pooper in gas station washrooms or public parks. If that’s what people are after, there are sites for that. Like Chemistry.com, apparently.

    Maybe they can put up EULAs that list all the verified health risks of gay sex before letting people log in. If they are dissed for it, they can say it’s liablity protection that other’s don’t offer. It’s manditory for food and drugs, after all. Why not other things taken into the body? Sort of a win-win – they open up the door for lawsuits against other gay sites for not offering one. They can cry censorship if anyone protests. The contraversy alone would put those health issues, ignored by the media, in the spotlight. If they take it down and someone ends up suing them – well, they tried, didn’t they? They could redirect the lawsuit to whoever protested and forced them to take it down.

    The hard left has always had it in for eHarmony because it is Christian and normal, two things they absolutely can’t stand. Anything that results in those breeders having a normal life and children is something they hate. Dennis Miller made the point recently that part of what drives feminists nuts about Sarah Palin is that she seems to have a happy sex life. I went through my mental rolladex of feminists who have said hateful things about her and sure enough…

  5. But your honor, I wasn’t trying to extort money, that was just my “administrative cost.” So…does this mean I can get $5000 from every gay “dating” site on the internet? wow, I’ll be rich!!!
    Oh that’s right, equal only goes one way. Darn.

  6. “Under terms of the settlement, the company can create a new or differently named Web site for homosexual singles. ”

    As a reader of a humor site, I was expecting this to be where we went in the comments. I’ve only seen one or two. So I will take a stab at it.

    e-Bathhouse.com. We match you based on whoever happens to be on the site at the same time you are.

    On a serious note, I seem to remember a time where we were allowed to create a new or differently labeled water fountain for people who were different. Are we going to partition the internet into the “straight” and “gay” sections? This should have just been thrown out of court. If I’m looking for a computer on a website, and that website doesn’t carry the brand I’m looking for, I just go to another website. Plain and simple.

  7. Thousands of years of wisdom, the generations of scholars, the history of civilization…all consider homosexuality to be what it really is: a mental illness. Throughout history, the lifestyle is discouraged as harmful and deviant. Yet, Kinsey, a pedophile whose research is even more shoddy than Michael Moore’s, comes out with a book that “surprisingly” finds that 10-percent of prisoners who have no access to females for the remainder of their lives have sex with other male inmates, and somehow that makes homosexuality normal?

    Kinda like a private letter mentioning some form of “separation of church and state” suddenly trumps the actual wording of the Constitution.

    Amazing how a far-left radical liberal idea, with support from the press, needs very little in the way of actual facts to be promoted as reality.

  8. luckily, incest “advocates” don’t need web sites, they already know their true love. It makes things so much easier, we should all celebrate diversity and set up separate but equal websites for every conceivable perversion, just to be safe.

  9. well if they’re gonna have a separate (but equal) site for homosexuals, they will have to make separate sites for other groups too

    eHarpoly: for the polygamists

    peeweeHarmony: for the pedophiles

    eHarmonkey: for the animal lovers

    am I missing anyone?

  10. heeheeharmony: for clowns

    wheeeeharmony: for roller coaster enthusiasts

    meharmony: for politicians, bailout recipients, and dumocrats

    screwmeharmony: for conservatives, taxpayers, and constitution lovers

  11. You are mean if you don’t think gays should get to marry and be happy just like straight people. If you don’t have something nice to say about then just keep it big stupid blogger mouth shut. Eventually gay marriage is going to happen. The young people want and guess what dumbo we will cram it down your throat whether you like or not. So ha ha us young people are changing the world and you can’t stop us from spreading love and fun. You are such a hater for only wanting true love and marrital bliss for straight people. How unkind you are and what a loser ape you are. You sure don’t seem very sophisticated or educated. You seem like a hater to me. This is my last post on your dumb blog dumbo.

  12. Frank,

    Where’s your “gay-friendly” companion site? The closest thing I can find is a link to some one called “Cadet Happy”.

    Heh, good one.

    Anyway I think our “gay-friendly” companion site should called
    Unnatural, Unashamed, Unconstitutional

  13. they’re G A Y, that means they’re already happy…doesn’t it? Oh yeah, I forgot, “10%” of the population get to change the meaning of words along with all their other special rights.

    Eventually, all sorts of things are going to happen, too bad most of them are going to work out about as well as 2 people of the same sex reproducing.

    I can think of a few other things those happy gay people spread but it might make me sound like a H O M O P H O B E O_O!


  14. When are people who get caught in this trap going to learn?

    The proper response to a letter from the local state civil rights commission complaining that your business discriminates against homosexuals is to walk down the street to the US Civil Rights Commission and file a complaint against the state civil rights commission.

  15. Seanmahair,
    The press loves to show riots, civil disobedience and chaos – it drags in viewers and sells advertising.
    Unless one of their pet groups are involved, and then all their film footage just seems to disapear.
    I had no idea from my local news coverage that it was that bad in CA.

    I suppose the one group of people Least likely to get away with (or resort to) this kind of savagery would be White, Male, American, Heterosexual, Christian, Married, Pro-life, Pro-gun, Conservative, Republican, Vetran, Trial Lawyers without handicaps.
    But when they do ….

  16. Hi 4 of 7. Your Californian friend here. Yes it is THAT bad. Our families in Chicago had no idea either. And the local media is unbelievably biased in their coverage. I have written so many letters my hands hurt (it has also taken away from my IMAO time, which makes me cranky!) The responses – well one in particular stands out. A guy who identified himself as the “assignment editor” wrote to tell me what a hateful bigot I was (I simply expressed my displeasure in their outrageous coverage of a riot at a Mornon temple.) I am not Mormon, but very thankful to them for their support of Prop 8. The NO’s are attacking Christians left and right too. Did anyone see Keith Olberman’s rant on Prop 8? I don’t watch MSNBC but my friend sent it. I swear it was like election night all over again at my house (complete with husband yelling, throwing things at the tv (computer) and me staring in complete and utter disbelief. Google Keith Olberman on prop 8 (special comment, youtube) but ONLY if you have a VERY strong stomach. I honestly thought the whole time – THIS JUST CANNOT BE REAL. It is like we’re living in the Twilight Zone. But I know that’s not the case…

    ….you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. Mathew 24:11-14

    I honestly don’t know how I would cope without my faith in Christ! If you can pray for the Yes on 8 folks to have success in the courts (and pray against the justices who wish to overturn the will of the people yet again) I would sincerely appreciate it! Oh and might as well add a prayer that it’s God’s will for Arnold to make a return to movies – RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr he makes me mad, that one.


  17. #36 – Sulamie,

    “The NO’s are attacking OTHER Christians left and right too.”

    There. I fixed it for you!
    I had a vivid flash of Seanmahair saying, “Oh No You Didn’t!”, if she read that line.
    I’m sure she didn’t mean it that way, Seanmahair!

    John 3:19
    “This is the verdict; Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.”

    Romans 12:18-19
    “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
    Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written:
    ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay’, says the Lord.”

    I Thes 1:2-3
    “We always thank God for all of you mentioning you in our prayers.
    We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”


  18. I love Seanmahair and meant absolutely no disrespect. It has always been my understanding that Mormonism differs from Biblical Christianity with regards to who Jesus is. I was simply pointing out that the radical NO on 8 folks are attacking people of ALL faiths because we all came together to defend traditional marriage. I realize some Mormons identify themselves as Christians. The Mormon friends I have do not. Sorry for the confusion.

  19. Sulamie,
    I didn’t know that.
    As a Catholic I’ve had my Christian status questioned a time or two.
    I’ve always insisted that I was.
    The militant atheists are doing their best to keep people of faith (all faiths) divided, confused, and silent.
    If we could focus on what we have in common, we’d realize that we still represent at least 90% of the population of this country.
    And wouldn’t it be nice to tell the God haters to “shut up and sit down, you’re rocking the boat!”, with one united voice?
    Of the remaining 10%, those who feel ‘offended’ by any public symbol or expression of faith are a microscopic but Very squeeky minority.
    Why they have such a disproportionate number of judges in their pockets is a mystery to me!

  20. 4 of 7 I couldn’t agree more with all you said!!!!!!!

    I, too, have had my faith questioned (raised Catholic, now non-denom.) Where we come from (Chicago Italian/Irish) if you’re not Catholic, it’s a cult – hahaha.

    If you would e-mail me privately, I want to send you something: sueann316@gmail.com

    Happy day after Thanksgiving!

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