
I know I should be upset about the election result, but as things have settled, I really have just felt a sense of relief. If McCain was elected, we’d be back in defensive mode for a guy we don’t even like and then it would be pretty much inevitable that the Republicans would have even bigger losses in Congress in 2010. I’m not even sure how conservatives would regain our footing in that condition. Our hopes would mainly lie on the Vice President, and what does a Vice President do? I mean, what exactly did Al Gore do his eight years in office? And Cheney was mainly just a boogeyman for the left.

Dennis Prager has an article about good things to focus on from the election, and I don’t think we can underestimate item 1. There’s always the rhetoric about how “This is the most important election evah!!!11!”, but 2004 was really key. That showed our enemies we weren’t ready to give up. Now the Iraq War is to the point that hopefully even Obama can’t screw it up.

The thing is, the Democrats were going to win the presidency sometime, and how long were we willing to be weighted down by sucky Republicans while we held that off? Now we get to start over and make sure our Republican candidates all follow the founding principle of conservatism: Kick-ass awesomeness.


  1. I used to feel dread every time I saw an Obama bumpersticker. Now I feel glee, and hope they keep it on the car because when things fall apart they will be blamed. It is a mark of responsibility and ultimately shame for them.

    Think of it as an Aikido move: Use their force against them. They took power so let the power take them down.

  2. The good thing is the we can start the Osamabamalamadingdong Derangement Syndrome anytime. It worked so well for the Libs and I personally would like to give them a nice big taste of what we’ve had to endure for the last 8 years.

    So let me start right off with this. Exactly where are his little darlings going to go to school. After all the schools in Washington DC are among the WORST in the nation. Will he like Jimma’ Carter subject his children to the violence, depravity and degradation that is appallingly present in DC schools? Since the majority of students, teacher, administrators, government officials and parents are “African American” I’m not sure how he’s going to square putting them in private schools with his “ordinary guy” persona.

    I have actually spoken to someone who went to Punahou High School with him in Hawaii. Her attitude, “Barry’s never been a regular guy, he went to an upscale private school, blew two years of college and then went to a school that most Americans can’t ever dream of sending their children to. He comes from money and he has money. He may be a lot of things but a “regular guy” he isn’t.

    Let the games begin.

  3. I agree with your point. Sometimes it’s the only way to shake the morons off the platform. The big, big downside is an Obama administration that can easily wreak all kinds of havoc on this country. Hell, we’re STILL bogged dow nby crap that Johnson did in the frickin’ ’60s!

    This is going to be a very nauseating four years.

  4. I actually worked on a campaign for Keith Downey, who was running for State Representative in Minnesota against not only the DFL (the Democrats in Minnesota have a different name that is beyond the scope of this comment), but also the Republican incumbent who had gotten RON PAUL!-itis (but with 50% more swearing. He even called my guy “bull****” while my guy was answering a debate question on the differences between them). Despite running against not one, but TWO leftist candidates, we ended up winning the election.
    That’s right, we have a new Republican face out there. So don’t worry, we’ll live. We can still win SOME elections, and that’s what counts.

    P.S. We in Minnesota also had a man by the name of Erik Paulsen replacing an outgoing incumbent (Jon Ramstad) and fighting a horribly popular DFL candidate by the name of Ashwin Madia, son of Indian immigrants and an Iraq War veteran. Guess who won. Yeah, the GOP will survive. It’ll just be a bit. We have plenty of time to recover. No big worries.

  5. Now the Iraq War is to the point that hopefully even Obama can’t screw it up.

    That makes one thing that he can’t screw up.

    Not so if Imanutjob and company get pushy enough. If Iraq feels that Barry’s Kids are either to weak towards (or have a man-crush on) Syria and Iran, they may just decide to re-align themselves. It is still entirely possible for Iraq to become a larger, deadlier Lebanon.

  6. The problem in the GOP is the sucky republicans have all the leadership positions and the vocal pundits along with the sucky leaders believe the nonsucky republicans are the problem and we need reform the GOP to be more like the democrats because they win elections. So we have an all out war between the sucky overspending liberal republicans and the cool non sucky small government conservative republicans.
    Who wins will decide if we need a third party or if we can save the GOP.

  7. Sigh. sadly, we have to reform THIS party. The libtards are hoping we come apart at the seams and the 75% of the party that actually know what a Republican really is will jump to a 3rd party. Sadly, we need to drag the retards in t he RNC up out of the dirt. We need a united front, but we need it behind real Conservatives. Though we all have day jobs, we are going to have to get a ton of volunteerism going to get the good ones in. Thankfully, we have 2 years until midterm to try and right the listing ship, and 4 years to get the train rolling for the Right Conservative prez candidate for 2012. Thankfully, in addition to a strong grassroots movement that will arise, we can also count on that Pinheaded Retard-Elect to shoot himself in the foot in his 4 years. And get his head stuck in a bucket of course.

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