Point your Kindle
or smart phone at IMAO and it should come up automatically. I haven’t crammed it full of ads yet, but I’ll figure that out later.
Point your Kindle
or smart phone at IMAO and it should come up automatically. I haven’t crammed it full of ads yet, but I’ll figure that out later.
Not on my iPhone, still the full site.
I believe the iPhone uses a regular browser so it won’t trigger the Mobile site. I’ll put up a link the mobile site later.
The iPhone and iPod touch uses safari but many pages come up in their mobile version on my iPod so it must be possible.
Works great on my BlackBerry browser
Depends on the browser. For instance, using my Blackberry’s default browser, I see the mobile version. But if I tell it to report as IE (not IE Mobile, but regular IE), it renders the full version, which doesn’t look exactly like it should, with JavaScript and CSS turned off. With Opera mini (like right now), it resolves like mobile site.
iPhone’s stripped-down Safari would still likely show as full Website, I imagine. The “Mobile Edition” link that Frank’s considering would allow *any* user to see it in mobile version, until the “Exit Mobile Edition” is clicked or cookies cleared.
Google’s and ESPN’s mobile sites come up automatically, but a link works just as well.
I live in Mobile, can you tell me where the site is so I can look at it?
It’s at 450 Saint Emanuel Street. Just stop and ask to see it. They’ll fix you right up.
I’m very selective where I point my kindle. And, I usually buy dinner and a movie first.
Could they possibly have come up with a name more gay than Kindle?
Doesn’t pull up on my g1 browser either. RSS works fine anyways.