So Obama’s new plan to reduce greenhouse emissions is to force automakers to mandate higher mileage, thus making cars smaller, less safe, and more expensive (estimates are $1300 more).
This is a good plan.
First off, it reduces the number of poor people on the road by making cars more expensive. As a Republican, I applaud anything that harms the poor, and I especially don’t want them on our nations roads. And the less people who can afford to drive, then the less greenhouse emissions.
Second, it will cause more people to die. More deaths also equals less people on the road and thus less greenhouse emissions.
So, while some of us may oppose Obama’s plan, we have to admit that it will reduce greenhouse emissions. This should go well with his plan to reduce greenhouse emissions by bankrupting the country so factories shut down.
What present hussein neglected to tell us is that even though the cars will be more expensive, they are going to be made in China and imported by the government. He must have final say as to which color you can have so that you are not racist in his selection of your clown car. There will also be a selection fee and a color tax for any color that isn’t hip or bro.
Indeed, Frank. Let’s also shut down the Federal (Feral?) Government and reduce emissions that way, also. The out-of-work Federal employees could move to Cuba or Iran where they will be welcomed and… slaughtered.
This would be even funnier if it weren’t so accurate. How’s this: When I see every progressive autocrat & modern hippy milling around in one of these motorized roller skates, instead of stretch limos & outdated VW’s, then I’ll…
Well, no. I won’t even allude to the notion that you’ll ever catch me in one of these. Unless the police start using them to transport anti-obama seditionists like me to “camp”.
I just knew when this guy got elected that I was going to end up crashing an old Challenger into two bulldozers like the guy in Vanishing Point.
You are not nearly as smart as Obama. You have missed all the other connections. This is about more than greenhouse gas reductions. In accidents in a big car you may linger for awhile and recover. In those little Fiat roller skates, you die outright. Hospitals cost serious money. More people dying means fewer people using government health care. More money saved. More people dying also means fewer people collecting social security. Plus old people use more health care. Bad old people. Even more money saved.
There is another trick. Making the Catholics close their hospitals over abortion means fewer places to spend money on health care as well. Plus, Catholic hospitals disproportionately serve the poor (there is no Our Lady of Sorrows Hospital in Beverly Hills) so we save money and poor people suffer.
I’m 6′ 4″ and weigh 210 pounds (more if my wife makes lasagna). There ain’t no way I can even fit in one of these “cars”. It is obvious The One has a prejudice against Taller Americans. Maybe I should sue. This is “tallism” written all over it…
This is a bit tangential, but…
In a glorious unguarded moment on the Weather Channel last night at about 21:10 ET, the lovely and talented Stephanie Abrams (whom I watch for a less-than-honorable reason) admitted that “global warming” is an in-joke around TWC studios. It works like this: when (for example) a piece of equipment goes on the fritz, the inside joke attributes the cause to “global warming”. Have a stomachache? Did the dog whiz on the rug? “What’s causing that?” You guessed it.
Even the people who are peddling this crock of crap don’t believe it themselves – and if there was ever any doubt about that, the lovely and talented Stephanie just silenced it last night.
On the upside, I now can admire Steph with a somewhat-clearer conscience. On the downside, I do wonder how much longer she’s going to be working at the Weather Channel after her little moment of honesty.
There is a small glitch in this plan, however comrade! If those of us that can afford an Obamamachine hit anything larger than a chipmunk on the way to work we will end up in the local hospital where the on-call Doctor will login to the People’s Central Community Organized Health Services website where he will receive instructions from our Dear Leader on how to treat our injuries. I suspect “cost savings” might be the Command Authority…but being a good little Communist I shall not protest! I will endure as I spend 4 days in the waiting room with a broken back, and then will happily be sent on my merry way with a prescription for Tylenol…and the whole thing will be free free free!!!
ussjimmy…it won’t be called the People’s Central Community Orgnized Health Organization. That’s too long and is not catchy enough of an acronym. It will be called the State’s Hospitalization Institute of Treatment (The acronym will be left up to you to figure out).
What really gets me about these new emission standards is this…use of less gas means a raise in taxes elsewhere due to the loss of government overused tax funds received from gas. These people are idiots. Franklin and Jefferson are rolling over in their graves I’m sure.
Have to agree with Andy T here,
Obama’s wife was paid $300,000 salary per year to come up with plans specifically aimed at keeping poor people from seeking care from the hospital she worked for, as many didn’t have the resources to pay their medical bills. Clearly she’s helped her husband take her plans national, ensuring that those in even the smallest auto accident are most likely killed, thus keeping them from “burdoning” hospitals.
I will enjoy running over these little clown car roller skate things with my 4 wheel drive truck. They’ll have to pry the wheel from my cold dead hands cuz I won’t drive an Obama car. I would use my muscle car to run the little boogers over but they’ed ruin the paint a little bit more than a bug on a hot summer night.
This really makes me want to work on my engineering skills. A while back, there was a firm that was taking anything from old tires to discarded turkey scraps from processing plants and systematically extracting crude oil, natural gas & other elements from them using a process called thermo-depolymerization (TDP).
Now, since just about everything we toss out is carbon based, this process can be applied to just about anything…
Or anyone.
I need to design an engine that can do this on the fly using the blood of hippies & other progressive degenrates, preferrably a bio-diesel engine in an International CXT. They have hydraulic beds that I can fit the pressure tanks in, and dump the spent materials when I’m done for the day. It also need to have an advanced forklift setup to pick up these little obamacars & their occupants to use as raw material.
The only real drawback would be having exhaust fumes that smells faintly of patchouli oil & failed social policy. But we have that now anyway…
People would pay good money to see some of those ‘Bigfoot’ monster trucks running these clown cars over.
“present hussein” **giggle**
#12: an engine that can do this on the fly using the blood of hippies & other progressive degenrates
why only the blood of hippies? Why can’t we recycle the whole hippie (and while we’re at it the whole moderate)? Less people on the roads, in the hospitals, and NO leftists or mods in the Congress.
The leftists can finally have principles by making the ultimate sacrifice for their Mother Earth, moderates are out of the picture too, and Obama has to try and get anything he wants from a conservative-only constituency…before his impeachment for not being a native-born citizen and paying ACORN to steal his way into the Oval with illegal votes.
Everyone wins!
I’m 5’1″ and while I would fit in a clown obamacar, I refuse. I like my gas guzzling Chevy van.
I’d rather put hippies in a large blender, and puree then into a goo that I can run my Multi-Fuel 5 Ton Tractor Truck with.
It’s a good start but don’t forget cap and trade which will double electricity rates so that the “green” motto, freeze alone in the dark, can be fulfilled. That should get rid of thousands every winter.
BTW, Frank, his plan to bankrupt the country is already complete unless you think having a minus 14 trillion dollar balance in the ole’ checkbook is solvency. We won’t even talk about the 100+ trillion dollars in unsecured debt the country is carrying.
If you laid the country’s books before a Bankruptcy Trustee their head would explode!
CO2 is 0.00385% of our atmosphere. Its a trace gas that does not cause earth warming. All this is being done for no good scientific reason at all. Its the sun that slightly increases or decreases earth’s temperature.
The good news is it will be environmental loonies who will buy these “death traps” and die in them. Then their relatives will sue for wrongful death!
PS CO2 is characterized as a “pollutant”. Without the minescule ampount of CO2 in our atmosphere all life would die.
Bob A, You keep forgetting that the libtards who couldn’t figure out how a yo-yo works, let alone a complex global weather system, are impervious to logic, reasoning and facts.