Obama is so useless and incompetent as president that…

…he thinks a Democratic majority in the House and Senate just gives him more power to whine about Republicans.


  1. …that he can’t even get senior citizens to agree to get ‘counseling’.>>>…that Pfizer stock remained the same despite the president’s announcement of 1/2 price blue pills.

  2. Obama is so useless and incompetent as president that OLD FRAIL MOBSTERS are heckling his cronies. Take notice that THE OBAMA is not showing up to any “town hall meetings”

  3. The O is so useless and incompetent that he’s practicing oaring a dingy wearing a flotation device with his crackberry for his forthcoming vacation in Martha’s Vineyard cause he can’t take his teleprompter to sea

  4. … he’s getting the sand kicked in his face by everyone from Israel to the Senate (oops, I’m forgetting: Israel is the Senate). Bitch press corps swooning over his abs notwithstanding, this guy is America’s first 97 lb weakling black president.

  5. Moderation? Forget it! I withdraw my comment – I didn’t know this was a censor site. I don’t submit! So that’s what IMAO stands for: I “Moderate” Anything Objectionable. Moderate this, fucker: “!”

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