Relax, it’s an emergency

I am declaring a national emergency over the H1N1 virus. It’s an emergency, so I’m signing it now.

But, I’m going to wait until the next day to announce it. I mean, what’s the hurry?

We must take whatever steps we can to make sure that we have flu shots for everyone!

Except for my kids.

The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across the nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities.*

There! Thatc ought to help get that health care bill through the Senate. You owe me one, Harry.


  1. What’s all this I hear about Heinie Flue? Sounds like something you’d install to vent fumes from an outhouse… Is that such an emergency? Why, back on the farm we used to…
    No Emily, that H1N1 flu, not HINI flu.
    Oh, that’s very different… Never Mind!

  2. Meh. How many people die each year in America of the non-sexy regular flu? 20,000? 30,000? And I bet you dollars to donuts that at least 2/3rds of the swine flu cases are false, whether accidentally or intentionally.

  3. Texas is new No. 1 in swine flu cases, … now tops with 900 confirmed and probable cases, gee I wonder if it’s proximity to the source of the swine has anything to do with that?

    Illinois is second with 877 plenty of swine there too.

    also in the top ten:4. California (553 cases); 5. Arizona (520) how ironic…also right next to Mexico.

    I wonder how many undocumented workers swine are getting their shots before Americans?

    Everything free in Amerrrricaaa

  4. Are we on double-secret probation swine flu alert? Purple alert ! Purple alert!

    This is very bogus. Most Doc’s don’t test for swine flu. Onre you test positve for flu in general, you are given tamiflu and sent on on your way. The swine flu test is a second test and is expenvie. Since both flu’s are treated the same way, the Doc’s stop after the initial test. I know. I caught the flu last month and this is what they did. I’ve also been told this by other’s who have had the flu.

  5. I know I’m a little behind the times here, but I just posted something related, since Nancy Pelosi exposed the house’s version of the healthcare bill yesterday. Raum Emanual said never to let a good crisis go to waste. I guess this is the government example of that. I mean, we knew in April this was going to be a problem in the fall. Why is there so little vaccine? Is this what we have to look forward to when the government takes over? healthcare

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