Apparently Obama his thinking of making nice with the Taliban. That’s a great idea! In fact, I could probably come up with ten ranked reasons why he should do so.
10. Didn’t Jesus say, “Love thy enemy”? And more importantly, didn’t Muhammad say, “Islam shall rule all the earth”?
9. Frankly, a burqa would be a nice change of pace for his wife.
8. Though they chant “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!”, he can’t really come up with a good defense for either country.
7. Will balance out new gay friendly policies with drop walls on gay policies.
6. This sort of mindless gesture for empty peace is exactly what will prove to Oslo he deserved his Nobel Prize.
5. It’s not like terrorist friends are new to him.
4. They have an XBox.
3. If he doesn’t end the Afghanistan war soon, he’ll have to meet with that scary General McChrystal again.
2. They promised to tally him bananas.
And the number one reason Obama is going to be friends with the Taliban…
No one else will be his friend.
0. He’s not an infidel.
11. Unlike those he puts at risk, he has a nice secure bunker somewhere under a mountain.
12. The Taliban promised to give him one of those nice Afghan dogs for the girls. Sadly, Klingons hate dogs.
13. The Taliban told him they’d remove the bucket from his heads. They didn’t mention the explosives.
14. He wants a weakened America.
15. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.
16. Both 14 and 15.
Breaking News: This just in Obama wins Taliban Election……….
I freakin’ love number 2!
Do I get to be the first one to say Raaaaaacist today?
Cuz even Code Pink have more balls.
17. Its easier to pronounce than freedom
18. Its easier than admitting he hates America
19. He is hoping they “take care” of his wife.
They sent him a request on Facebook.
Hey mister Taliban tally me banana.
Okay, that’s funny.
20. He likes their “progressive” ideas.
21. Will help him say “allah akbar” w/o teleprompter. May his name be praised
1. Fortune cookie told him to rekindle childhood friendships.
She’s not a Klingon…
She’s a Wookie.
…to complete the pussification of America and get the only award he really deserves: Pussy of the Century.
She’s a silverback
She’s a Klingon.
You’re both wrong, she’s a succubus!
The Loch Ness Monster told me all about her… then he asked me to give him tree fitty!
Side note that’s not related to this at all (potential troll?):
You should really start a segment called “Money-quote Mondays” or something like that. I only say that because I’ve seen so many lately. For instance, the Sheriff out in Arizona who is being beaten down by the feds right now on illegal immigration had this to say about opposition to his tactics against illegal immigrants:
“They can’t stop this sheriff. I don’t report to the feds. I report to the people. They should give me a medal — shouldn’t be the Nobel Peace Prize, but it should be something.” (source:
Just saying, there’s other great quotes out there that could show up every once in a while.
/troll comment
The Taliban is much less scary than FOX News!
Bill Ayers, Mullah Omar, what’s the difference?
No one asked Ayers to tally him bananas, but Obama did ask him to ghost write much.
You have it all wrong she is a Sasquatch.
Because it’s important for all politicians to reach out to their base.
She is a Sith Lord, and the Master of Darth-Urkel.
#9: Finally, a reason for the ‘TARP” bill.
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