One of your best, Frank. Beneath the humor is rock-solid truth. Proof of it is the trolls’ lack of meaningful response. When the opposition is reduced to “is that war paint or feces?” you can chalk it up in the WIN column.
War does not involve unicorns or hugs. Therefore it is far beyond what a liberal can cope with. Frank knocked this one out of the ballpark, and into orbit. I expect the usual drooling libbie responses in 5…6…3…
Oh c’mon,without liberals spewing their words we wouldn’t have had any of the cooler wars.
Just think, if Chamberlain had acted with some balls Hitler would have been deposed and we wouldn’t have some of the finest war movies ever made. I don’t think I’d want to live in a world without those Heroes of the first order. And by that I mean Hogan’s and Kelly’s.
Kennedy acting like a pussy almost got us into a nukular war in the 60s. Think how cool that would have been.
If HW Bush had not acted like a wimp, we wouldn’t have had the first televised war in 1990 against Iraq. They timed it for maximum ratings and got it over before the Super Bowl. I think TV Guide was in on the planning with Stormin Norman.
Now think about Iran, if leftists twits weren’t in charge of “negotiations”, we wouldn’t be having the cool war we’re going to have next year.
Thank heaven that liberals don’t join the military! War is bad enough without having to share a fighting hole with a liberal. However, I doubt that they would last very long in a fire fight, if I didn’t shoot’em myself, they are bound to get zapped when they start running around policing up the brass and screaming about killing the planet.
Quote of the Day in Comments, by Anonymous: “Hell, if liberals think handguns, cigarettes, and pocketknives are too dangerous,
how can we EVER trust them with WAR?”
Liberals think CO2 is dangerous. That right there should disqualify them rational discussion about anything.
The line about arguing with a Liberal is like arguing with an alarm clock. Classic! Gold. That line really captures a number of unpleasant confrontations in my life. Not that there are none such people on the right but they live in trailer parks or work in cubicles not in high positions in government and media.
If you want a seriously cynical (and maybe right) view of Obama and his war handling you can read the last few weeks of Andy McCarthy at National Review Online.
Liberals should reduce their Carbon footprint to zero so they don’t have to worry about war. The beauty of this strategy is then there probably wouldn’t be any war.
You had me at “when have liberals contributed anything useful to a discussion”.
Just kidding. You were right at “when have liberals contributed anything useful”.
Unless we’re talking about charity. Then it’s “when have liberals contributed anything”.
I can’t think one useful thing that liberals have contributed to anything ever.
One of your best, Frank. Beneath the humor is rock-solid truth. Proof of it is the trolls’ lack of meaningful response. When the opposition is reduced to “is that war paint or feces?” you can chalk it up in the WIN column.
War does not involve unicorns or hugs. Therefore it is far beyond what a liberal can cope with. Frank knocked this one out of the ballpark, and into orbit. I expect the usual drooling libbie responses in 5…6…3…
Oh c’mon,without liberals spewing their words we wouldn’t have had any of the cooler wars.
Just think, if Chamberlain had acted with some balls Hitler would have been deposed and we wouldn’t have some of the finest war movies ever made. I don’t think I’d want to live in a world without those Heroes of the first order. And by that I mean Hogan’s and Kelly’s.
Kennedy acting like a pussy almost got us into a nukular war in the 60s. Think how cool that would have been.
If HW Bush had not acted like a wimp, we wouldn’t have had the first televised war in 1990 against Iraq. They timed it for maximum ratings and got it over before the Super Bowl. I think TV Guide was in on the planning with Stormin Norman.
Now think about Iran, if leftists twits weren’t in charge of “negotiations”, we wouldn’t be having the cool war we’re going to have next year.
Geez, it’s like you don’t like war or something.
Are you some kind of liberal?
I think the one useful thing Liberals can be used for is target practice.
That is a fine bit of writing.
Thank heaven that liberals don’t join the military! War is bad enough without having to share a fighting hole with a liberal. However, I doubt that they would last very long in a fire fight, if I didn’t shoot’em myself, they are bound to get zapped when they start running around policing up the brass and screaming about killing the planet.
Quote of the Day in Comments, by Anonymous: “Hell, if liberals think handguns, cigarettes, and pocketknives are too dangerous,
how can we EVER trust them with WAR?”
Liberals think CO2 is dangerous. That right there should disqualify them rational discussion about anything.
@ Live Free Or Die since liberals think CO2 is dangerous maybe they cold do us a favor and hold there breath.
The line about arguing with a Liberal is like arguing with an alarm clock. Classic! Gold. That line really captures a number of unpleasant confrontations in my life. Not that there are none such people on the right but they live in trailer parks or work in cubicles not in high positions in government and media.
If you want a seriously cynical (and maybe right) view of Obama and his war handling you can read the last few weeks of Andy McCarthy at National Review Online.
life is too serious for liberals. Everything to them is a danger or just plain wrong and action has to be taken right now to fix it or else.
Liberals should reduce their Carbon footprint to zero so they don’t have to worry about war. The beauty of this strategy is then there probably wouldn’t be any war.
How many carbon credits will Planned Parenthood claim for every environment endangering baby they eliminate?