Crowder in Detriot

Not a full video! Just a teaser! Full video Monday!

For what possible reason does anyone still live in Detroit?


  1. The Red Wings are probably the only reason for even visiting Detroit. Why you’d want to live there is beyond my comprehension. Take a good look though, Michigan’s economic policies over the last decade are nearly identical to the ones Obama and his ilk in Washington have in store for our whole country.

    A former Michigan resident moved to Colorado

  2. My former sister-in-law and nieces lived in Sterling Heights. Once about 15 years ago I went up to visit, got turned around and ended up in the city. The place looked like a war zone then. I took my Makarov from under the seat and jacked a round into the chamber. If anyone had walked up to my car I was blasting and asking questions later!!

    This is what happens when progressives run a city for a generation!!

  3. On a more fundamental note, Is there still a reason for a major city in that place? Is Buffalo, NY at the other end of Lake Erie a major city?

    Detroit’s prominence came with the automobile and a fortunate coincidence of great lakes shipping, cheap iron ore for steel, an abundance of relatively skilled and disciplined workers, and the spectacular efforts of Henry Ford.

    Henry could have been raised near Philadelphia and history would have been much different. for Detroit.

    The city is in strategic position at the best connection of the midwest to Canada. I just don’t see it becoming a – dare I say important – city again.

  4. Good Point K. I personnaly believe that Detroit, Buffalo, Cleveland and other ‘Rust Belt’ cities are going to effectively become ghost towns. Some may survive as smaller cities, but not many. What concerns me is just how much money the states and fed’s will throw away trying to ‘save’ these towns that have no real reason for continuing to exist.

  5. Ugh, I am still here, for the time being. The problem is that Michigan is a real nice state, with some real crap hole cities. Even the suburbs around Detroit can be nice, though they are unfortunately affected by the crap hole. West Michigan is real nice, I often think about packing up and moving there. I really think that Detroit will have to fall a lot farther before it can recover. People here need to be ready to try something really radical, like conservatism. Good news though, over half of the new city council have their Concealed Pistol Licenses.

  6. Great news!
    Detroit has just signed a deal with Omni Consumer Products to wipe out crime and recreate Old Detroit into “Delta City.” Plus, everything looks good for the new ED-209 law enforcement droid to roll out soon!

  7. Having spent 10 looooooooong months living just outside of Detroit I can tell you that I felt safer living in the Philippines in the early 80’s ( yes this was when Marcos had Aquino murdered on the tarmac) than I did living in Detroit. We NEVER went into the city unless we had to and when we did we went to the destination and got right back on the highway and booked it.

    I thought that once the minorities became the majority everything would be sweetness and light. There’d be milk and honey flowing in the streets. Well, everyone’s equal at least, they all live in fear and despair. Tell me again why liberal policies are good for us, oh and bring pictures. We like pictures.

  8. I just went downtown on Saturday to watch “A Christmas Story” and no one shot my eye out. Went Downtown this fall for the Jazz Festival, again, no trouble.

    The problem spots are the neighborhoods. Downtown destinations are as safe as Chicago.

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