The Politician of the Future

Thanks to Ace, I’ve found out what an awesome opponent Barney Frank has. His name is Sean Bielat and he’s a Marine who builds robots. That’s right – he kills terrorists and he builds robots! That’s exactly the sort of people who as a child I would have thought we’d have running for office in 2010. Barney Frank, on the other hand, would be who I’d imagine would be in charge if I was thinking we were going to have a dystopian future run by incomprehensible idiots who ruin economies.

Anyway, hopefully this is our future: Marines taking back Congress backed up by their robot buddies. Just as Heinlein envisioned.


  1. A Marine that builds robots? I bet they are killer robots, too. A robot building Marine vs. the ghey clown who took down our economy. Should not even be close, but this is the home state of the Killer Kennedys.

  2. Frank! Can’t believe you didn’t copy/paste the whole tagline from Ace.

    Sean Bielat For Congress

    When he’s not killing terrorists, he’s building robots. Which also kill terrorists.

    And yes, he does build military robots. Don’t think the military have ever turned any loose on the ground (unlike ‘death from above’ with Predator and Reaper drones) with live ammo yet so the ‘also kill terrorists’ part might not be 100% accurate.

  3. But what about Idaho? We have a Democrat for Pelosi, and an immigration attorney who favors amnesty, running for Congress (Dist 1). No one – not the Feds, not the State, not the citizenry via the Minutemen’ will stem the tide. And what about Idaho? The Republicans want to bring the border state horror here! So do the Democrats.

  4. It’s funny how even the scariest things can become cool when they get with the right guy.

    I mean, here we have robots (probably the next rulers of the Earth after they slaughter us all) but they’re okay cuz they’re hanging with a Marine running for office in order to get rid of Barney Frank.

    Heck, even damn dirty apes, like Bonzo, are cool when they get with optimistic, kick ass conservatives.

  5. In Idaho you have two clear choices:

    1. Guy with a “D” next to his name, will symbolicly vote for Pelosi, and thinks that the murder of unborn babies is the sole choice of the woman who in 99.9% of the time is the one who made the poor choice to get pregnant in the first place. But is litreally tighter on fiscal issues than 75 percent of all the Republicans in both Congress and the Senant, Backs our Vets with things that will help not pander to them, and actually writes bills that will fix problems

    2. Or you have Idaho’s own Lindsy #@$#ing Graham.

    Have fun with that choice. I just chose to move across town to Columbia Village. No longer my problem.

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